Chapter 33

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"Gabe! Gabe!" Eden exclaimed as she ran down the corridor to meet Gabriel as he emerged from his quarters.

"OOF!" Gabriel gasped as Eden collided with him, wrapping him in her famous bear hug, which made the Archangel blush furiously. "G-Good morning Edie." he stammered when Eden's bright blue eyes gazed up at him.

"Good morning Gabe, guess what? I didn't have a single nightmare last night!" Eden smiled from ear to ear.

"Really?" Gabriel beamed down at her as he hugged her tightly. "That's wonderful!"

"Yeah, and it was the best sleep I had in days...." she breathed in Gabriel's warm scent, the scent of lavender blended with vanilla which always brought her comfort.

"Oi! Twelve inches!" screeched Crowley from down the hall.

"What do you mean that she's going to stay?" Gabriel demanded. Aziraphale had just finished explaining that the sisters of St Beryl Abbey had a rehab program for those suffering from PTSD.

"It'll only be for a short while." Aziraphale reassured. "The program lasts two weeks, and Eden should be tickety boo once her time here is done." Aziraphale glanced at Crowley, they both didn't like the idea of leaving Eden alone for such a long period of time, but Crowley had shown him the website and Mother Superior had walked them through the program. And Eden was particularly ecstatic about the part where she would help care for the horses.

"Gabe...." Gabriel turned to Eden as she reached out and clasped his hand. "I'll be fine love, you wouldn't want to be here anyway. It'll just be a bunch of women talking about our feelings, cooking, cleaning and taking care of horses.....nothing interesting at all...." Gabriel could tell that Eden was champing at the bit to get started on all of her tasks....especially the horses.

"I'll call you then..." Gabriel began but was dismayed when Eden shook her head. "No phones allowed."

Shadwell had just left the loo and was walking down what seemed an endless corridor. "How long is this bloody hallway anyway?" the Scotsman muttered.

He passed what felt like a million doors, he must be lost, because he was supposed to go the Fell's quarters and bid Eden goodbye....

"Are you sure she's the one who is worth all of this trouble Father?" A door was cracked open and Shadwell stuck his back to the wall, hoping that should anyone peek out, they wouldn't see him as he listened in.

"She most certainly is. She is the one, my search is over. Now we must be patient, it won't take much for me to woo her, she was raised among humans and you know how shallow they are...."

Who were they talking about? Shadwell wondered.

"What about the girl's parents and the Archangel?" said the other voice. It sounded like a woman, the other belonged to a man.

"If they interfere, we will simply kill them. Now, I must get ready to meet Eden..."

"Bloody hell!" Shadwell tore himself away from the wall to make a run for it, but ran head first into a tall figure.

It was one of the nuns, "Sorry Sister, I was just...." Before the Scotsman could say anything else, the Sister's hand whipped out and grabbed him by the throat and with surprising strength, lifted him a few inches off of the ground.

Shadwell clawed feebly at her hand, hoping his attempts would loosen her iron grip, but it was futile.

"Well well well, what do we have here?" said a voice haughty with arrogance. Shadwell finally got a look at the voice who talked of killing so causally....

He was around average height, with light brown hair and blue eyes, a broad chin, chiseled jaw and high cheek bones.

"He was eavesdropping Father, which was very rude of him."

"Quite right Sister Ezeqeel, why don't you show our impromptu guest his new quarters? The sooner he gets used to them the better."

"Lemme go you bitch!" That was the last thing Shadwell managed to choke out before Sister Ezeqeel struck the side of his skull, knocking him unconscious.

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