Chapter 19

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Archangel Gabriel woke up not feeling well, his stomach churning. "Ungh." He groaned as he stumbled out of his bunk and out towards the railing, where he leaned over, saying goodbye to the shellfish that he had shared with Eden from the day before.

"Oh my goodness, are you alright Gabriel?" asked Aziraphale as he met Gabriel at the railing. The poor Archangel looked greener than seaweed. "I think my corporation is broken." Gabriel moaned as he puked up some more shellfish.

"I can assure you, your corporation is fine my dear, you are just seasick. Crowley and I were quite miserable during our very first sea voyage which was thousands of years ago, and that was long before Dramamine!"

Aziraphale handed him two and a half round pebbles. "What are those?" Gabriel asked, his stomach still churning. "It's Dramamine, once you swallow them, it'll fix you right up, trust me." Without another word, Gabriel took the two small pills and gulped them down.

"There now, while those two pills do their work, have you seen Eden? She wasn't in bed when we woke up this morning, so I assumed she was with you..."

Gabriel shook his head as he finally relaxed against the railing, he was already feeling better. "I just woke up with my corporation feeling like shit."

Aziraphale's face creased with worry. "Oh dear, I hope she's alright. It's not like her to not wish us good morning, and I hope she didn't have any nightmares...."

Crowley emerged from his and Aziraphale's cabin, looking quite pleased when Aziraphale told him about his seasick episode. But the demon's merriment quickly shifted to concern when Aziraphale relayed to him that he hadn't seen Eden either.

The trio turned when they heard laughter and the fathers' sighed with relief when two familiar figures rounded the corner. Captain Gad and Eden were walking side by side, their arms intertwined. It took all of Gabriel's self control to not shove himself in-between them.

"Oi! Twelve inches!" Crowley barked at the sight of Eden being so close to the Captain. "Daddy, stop, he's just being a gentleman!" Eden bid farewell to the Captain, who quickly reminded them all of the days scheduled activities then kissed Eden's hand before he left.

"Good morning Eden, did you sleep well?" Aziraphale asked Eden.

"Good morning everyone." Eden didn't answer her Papa's question. "Are you okay Gabriel? You look terrible!"

Crowley grinned. "Looks like the shellfish he ate and the sea aren't agreeing with him."

"Oh my poor Gabe." Eden wrapped the Archangel in her arms, then said, "Come on, let's get you inside a nice warm hot tub where you can relax and concentrate on growing your sea legs." It was a sheer force of will to not crumple in her warm, inviting arms. "That sounds wonderful Edie." He couldn't resist shooting Crowley a smug grin as Eden led him to the ships hot tub, his face a strawberry red.

"That pompous son of bi-OOF!" Aziraphale elbowed the demon in the stomach.

Captain Gad made it his priority that his guests were happy. Especially Eden. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen and the most unique of beings....

So it was indeed possible for an angel and a demon to have offspring. Gad could sense by the blond angel's fierce protectiveness that he was the one who bore the young's was a miracle that her birth didn't kill him.

The Fell family was very fortunate to be alive altogether, especially after the War. The Captain had suspected that Eden and her family may have had something to do with that....

But a demon angel hybrid....that was impossible and yet...

The Captain peeked into the dining area. He saw the Fell's and that Gabriel fellow, who was using "Archer" as his alias.

"We're not very good in the naming department are we?" Gad chuckled to himself. He recognized Aziraphale, Crowley and the Archangel, he didn't think he would ever see them again.

His gray gaze flicked to Eden, her red curls wild flames, her blue eyes as mysterious yet as clear as the very sea that he loved so much, her brown freckles like seashells scattered on the shore....

The Captain heart ached when he saw Eden's ocean blue eyes gaze lovingly at Archangel Gabriel.

It seemed her heart belonged to someone already...

Captain Gad returned to his cabin to look over some maps, when his someone barked on the radio, "Gad, have you located the girl?"

Without hesitating, Gad answered, "I'm afraid not." He of course made no attempt what so ever to find her anyways and what his superiors didn't know wouldn't hurt them....

"Be on the lookout." The voice snapped as Gad cut them off with a snap of his fingers.

"You won't touch her if it's the last thing I do." Gad vowed. 

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