Chapter 72

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"Eden!" Gabriel cried as he ran to the two limp bodies. "Eden, can you hear me?" Samyaza's basalt lion corpse was on top of Eden, it was probably crushing her. He eyed the other Watchers warily, unsure whether or not if they would attack.

"EDEN!" Aziraphale and Crowley shrieked, nearly knocking the Archangel on the ground as they practically threw the stone lion off of their daughter, who was lying ominously still.

"Eden, oh god..." Crowley gasped he quickly began to tend to her leg, which now looked like one of Star's beat up chew toys.

"Papa....Daddy..." Eden moaned as she sat up slowly, her head pounding as her leg sang with pain.

"It's alright Little One, don't look, your father is healing your leg." Aziraphale rasped as their gazes met. "Just keep your eyes on me, alright?" He didn't want her to see how badly her leg was was definitely too much for him to bear.

"But Gabriel-" Eden began.

"Is right here." Gabriel finished as he joined them, kneeling down next to them. Eden yanked him into a hug, ignoring the pain the sudden movement caused. "You're okay!"

"Course I am. I'm not going to let a stupid cat get away with stealing my girlfriend." He kissed her on the forehead as Aziraphale healed the gashes in her side.

Eden reached out for her sonic, which was less than a foot away.

"Stop moving so I can fix this leg!" Crowley snapped, his voice very agitated due to his hands starting to tremble....

"Sorry Daddy." Eden grunted, as she pocketed her sonic. "I didn't mean to break the statue." The Albani Lion statue that Samyaza had possessed now had a small hole burned in its stomach from the beam of blue flame, its face now twisted with fury and rage.

"Don't worry about it love." Aziraphale rasped, straightening her tartan bow barrette. "I'll miracle it just how it was before."

Crowley breathed heavily when Eden's leg was finally healed, but his hands still trembled. He glanced up and saw that the Watchers were still gawking like them like they were zoo animals.

"Oi, show's over! Fuck off!" he snarled. The Watchers fled straight to the portal, not even bothering to collect the body of Samyaza.

"I guess he didn't think ahead when he possessed the statue." Crowley murmured as he led the others out of the basement, Aziraphale not daring to leave Eden's side for even a second.

"Obviously, I can't imagine it though, possessing something while you already got a body, and getting killed while you and your corporation are in that different body...." Eden shuddered.

"It's over now." Aziraphale said, "We need to get you to the cabin where you can rest Little One."

"I'm not little Papa, but some rest does sound lovely, I could sleep for a year..."

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