Chapter 45

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Aziraphale's mouth was hurting. It felt as if his bottom lip had been stabbed by some sort of barb and even stranger, his teeth hurt.

But he ignored it as he watched Gabriel get ready to leave the cabin. "Now Gabriel, you'll just check on her and see how's doing? It hasn't even been two days...."

"Something isn't right Aziraphale." Gabriel said bluntly. "I think you know that." The Archangel's purple gaze was unwavering.

Before Aziraphale could reply, there was a knock at the door.

Star howled desperately.

Crowley opened the door and in stumbled Shadwell, who collapsed on the floor in a heap, unconscious.

Eden lay on the cold stone floor of the dungeon, shivering. She had fought the Father and the Sisters the best she could but she just had no fighting skill whatsoever. The ball of flame she managed to conjure up before fizzled out, leaving her to mostly to rely on her newly grown fangs that could come and go at will....but they were quite long and cut into her bottom lip, drawing blood.

She had never done that before, she didn't even know she could do that.....

What was worse was the muzzle that was strapped tightly around her mouth. She had tried to unbuckle whatever it was that was keeping the muzzle tied to her head but it was no use, she was all thumbs.

Eden heard her stomach growl but she ignored it. How could she be hungry at a time like this?

Eden flicked the sonic's blue light on and off. Too bad that it was just a plastic toy and it didn't have the ability to unlock every type of the Doctor's real sonic screwdriver.

The Father peered into the dank cell as Sister Ezeqeel gave her report. "We've all tried to approach her and even with the muzzle on, she attacks anyone that comes near her. We can't even put the restraints on her."

The Father pondered for a few moments. An angel/demon hybrid, in his dungeon! Such a fantastic and amazing creature!

Once her imperfections were whittled away, she would be the perfect soldier and the perfect bride.

"I think we could use this unfortunate change of events to our advantage...." The Father pondered to himself as he dismissed Sister Ezequeel.

"Not long now my love, soon you will reach your full potential and we can leave this pathetic rock behind." The Father said wistfully as he gazed at the pitiful figure huddled in the cell.

"Eden...." said a raspy voice.

"Who's there?" Eden demanded, her voice muffled by the muzzle. "Show yourself!" Her blue eyes searched the dark cell frantically, she didn't recall picking up any scents when she was first thrown in here....

"Surely you remember me?" The voice replied, feigning emotion as the figure it belonged to emerged from the darkness, revealing a face with pasty gray skin marred with bright orange veins.

"N-No..." Eden gasped. "Papa killed you...and then I poured holy water on you!" Eden gripped her sonic, not sure what to do as Lucifer crawled towards her, his lips curling into a sinister smile as Sandalphon appeared behind him with a set of chains in his hands.

"NO!" Eden cried as the two figures lunged forward.

"Eden? Eden wake up!" said a achingly familiar voice. Eden's eyes flew open and she realized that she was in someone's arms. "Are you okay?"

"Gabriel?" Eden couldn't believe what she was seeing.

"It's me Eden, I'm here, let's get this off of you." As Gabriel began to remove the muzzle, he said, "You were on the floor shaking and screaming....I was so worried...." As soon as the muzzle fell to the stone floor, Eden yanked Gabriel into a fierce hug.

"Gabriel, this place is horrible....." Eden sobbed as Gabriel wrapped his strong arms around her, holding her close. His dark purple eyes flashing hazel green.

Bad Omens Book 2: Ye Saga ContinuesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora