Chapter 11

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"Is your burger scrummy Little One?" Aziraphale asked with a chuckle as Eden took another huge mouthful of burger, before stuffing a few chips in her mouth. Eden nodded with a smile on her face, which disappeared as Aziraphale leaned forward, wiping her messy face clean. Normally, he would have reminded her to remember her manners but he would let it go this time....

"Papa, stop it. I can do it myself!" Eden said as soon as she swallowed her mouthful, trying to duck away from the blasted napkin. "I know you can my dearest, but I don't mind." Aziraphale replied patiently.

"Yes Papa." Eden sighed, giving in so her Papa could wipe her face clean. Aziraphale knew that his daughter was more than capable, of course, but he simply couldn't help himself.

Eden emerged from the loo, anxious to return to the table and pick out a desert, but as she made her way back to the table, someone grabbed her by the shoulder roughly. Eden cried out he surprise as she was whirled around and was now facing a rather ugly looking man, "Lookit this, a pretty little filly!" Eden was shoved right into what must have been his table, her stomach collided with it rather painfully.

"Ow." Eden gasped, the table connected right where her other scar was. Three other men were staring at her hungrily. Still trying to be polite, she said, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..." One of them grabbed her by the wrist.

"S'all right love, how bout you sit on my lap for a bit and we'll forget the whole thing."

"No!" Eden tried to yank her wrist out of his iron grip. "Let me go!" She got a flashback of the iron shackles that had been slapped on her had taken months for the bruises too finally fade away....

"A bit meaty aren't ya?" The other men laughed as the one who had grabbed her by the shoulder slapped her across her bum. Eden cried out in shock and pain.

Something inside of her snapped. "LET ME GO!" Eden roared in fury, her hands erupting into blue flames.

The one brute finally released her causing her to fall backwards, flat on her aching rump, the other men just gawked at her. "Wot the bloody hell are you?" one of the men asked.

"She is my daughter, and you have just made a terrible mistake." said an icy cold voice.

"Papa!" Eden exclaimed joyfully as Aziraphale rushed to her side. "Eden, sweetpea, are you alright?" his voice trembled as he checked her for any signs of injuries. "I-I'm okay Papa...but t-they.......I...."

"Hush now, I know, I know." Aziraphale whispered softly as Crowley, Shadwell and Gabriel finally caught up with him. "Eden, shit, wot the Heaven happened?" Crowley demanded. They had been sitting at their table, waiting for Eden to return from the loo so they could order desert, when Aziraphale suddenly shot to his feet and ran towards the back of the pub, where the loo would be....

"Crowley, Gabriel, Shadwell, please take Eden outside while I have a little chat with these...young men." Aziraphale's voice had an ominous tone to it.

Gabriel helped Eden get to her feet and she ran to her Daddy's arms. "Daddy...." her voice cracked. "Shhh, it's okay now Queenie." Crowley knew that tone in his husband's voice all too well.

"That brat of yours isn't normal, she's some sort of monster!" One of the men said. Before anyone could react, Sergeant Shawell lunged forward, socking the thug in the jaw. "That ain't no way to talk about a lass, especially when she is me goddaughter!" He gave the thug a few more punches for good measure as Crowley and Gabriel led Eden out of the pub.

"Those wankers!" Crowley spat when Eden told them what had happened. Eden was clinging to Crowley for dear life while Gabriel was trying very hard to not blast the pub to bits.

While this was happening, the other patrons that were also inside had begun to file out of the pub and leave. Shadwell eventually emerged and met the trio waiting by the Bentley, "I've never seen Aziraphale so angry in me life....I hope I never see him like that again!" Shadwell said with a shudder.

Eden was now sitting in the Bentley with Star on her lap. The pup could sense her distress so she rubbed her head against Eden's neck, the soft fur soothing Eden's soft nerves.

"So, I hear you got a new super power lass." Shadwell said as he hopped back in the Bentley.

Eden nodded. "I wouldn't exactly call it super." Shadwell wrapped a comforting arm around her shoulders, "Now listen here lass, I don't want you to worry your pretty little head about this. Your parents will help you get this under control, and don't ye dare listen to what those arseholes said about ye! It's not true and it never will be!"

As her godfather said this to her, tears were falling from Eden's eyes. "Don't cry lass, everything is okay now..." Shadwell soothed. "Look, here comes your Papa now, I'm sure he gave those brute's what for!"

"Aziraphale..." Crowley said as he met his husband outside the pub. "What did you do?"

"I took care of them Crowley, they won't bother Eden or anyone else ever again." and with that, Aziraphale made his way to the Bentley.

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