Chapter 73

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"I can't wait for you to see your new home Samwise." Eden said as she brushed the Shire's silvery mane, the horse was already restored back to full health.

"Daddy said he'll miracle you a much nicer and bigger stable, heck, even Gad is going to make some adjustments to his ship so you can travel as comfortably as possible during the trip back!"

Samwise Gamgee whinnied. "Don't worry, we're not leaving just yet. My parents decided to extend our trip after everything that's happened, which gave me more than enough time to get you strong again and the rest of us need time to rest and relax."

Samwise nuzzled her and Eden nuzzled him back. "Daw, you are such a gentleman, I bet you nuzzle all the girls!" she giggled as his whiskers tickled her freckled face.

"Do I have yet another rival?" Archangel Gabriel said as he was greeted by the sight of Eden and Samwise nuzzling.

"It's not what you think, Gabriel, we're just friends!" Eden replied with a mischievous grin.

"Cheek." Gabriel huffed. "Aziraphale wanted me to remind that we leave for our reservation at the Cavalier in an hour, best that we get ready."

"Okay, Gabe." Eden threw a couple of blankets over Samwise and kissed his muzzle. "Have a goodnight Samwise, may you dream of whatever you like best."

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