Chapter 35

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   "Where's Shadwell?" Crowley wondered aloud as the group made their way down the stone stairway. Eden was going to see them off along with one of the Sisters, Sister Rami, who had been assigned to be Eden's chaperone, was about to say something when a figure emerged from the bottom of the stairs....

"Sergeant Shadwell has decided to check in and stay with us for a few short days." He was a tall, slender man with chestnut brown hair with hazel green eyes.

"I'm afraid I was absent during your orientation Miss Fell." The strange man replied, looking straight at Eden, who couldn't help but be slightly taken aback by the very handsome and surprisingly young looking priest.

Once the group made it downstairs with the priest leading the rest of the way, he introduced himself simply as "Father Sam." and once he answered a few more of Aziraphale and Crowley's questions, the family bid each other once last goodbye.

Eden kept her gaze fixated on the Bentley until it disappeared out of sight.

Eden jumped when she felt a strong hand touch her shoulder and she met the hazel green gaze of the Father.

"Don't fret Miss Fell; we'll take good care of you."

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