Chapter 22

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"Goodbye Eden Fell." said the Captain as he bid Eden farewell.

"Goodbye Captain, I'll see you for the trip back!" which would be for quite a while, Gad thought sadly, nearly four months...

Gad forced a smile, "Of course Eden, I look forward to it." He kissed her hand, hoping that she didn't notice his blush. "Travel safely."

"You too."

"What?" said Eden as she met her parents, Shadwell, Gabriel and her dog were waiting for her at the dock. "Please, no more boyfriends...I'm begging you." Crowley said mournfully. The whole scene on the deck made him sick and it took all of his self control to not run up to the Captain and rip off his lips.

"Oh Daddy stop it! He was just being a gentleman!" She turned to Gabriel, who was glaring daggers at the Observador as it sailed away.

"Aw, is my Gabe jealous?" Eden said mischievously.

"N-No!" Gabriel lied, "The...uh....the food was terrible!" Gabriel stared at the ground.

"Says the Archangel who gorged himself at the salad bar." Eden said cheekily as she wrapped her arms around his waist, making the Archangel's face turn a bright red. "No need to be jealous love, I'm forever yours...."

"Okay, moving on!" Crowley interrupted, "Let's get moving!" he snapped his fingers and the Bentley reappeared.

"I thought we were going to use a cab, dear." said Aziraphale as everyone began to load the luggage.

"Changed my mind, we'll use the Bentley after all."

Bad Omens Book 2: Ye Saga ContinuesWhere stories live. Discover now