Chapter 29

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St Beryl Abbey was an old stone castle that once belonged to the Duke of St Beryl, a man who kept his Satanic escapades secret until the day he died, leaving the castle in the care of his supernatural mistresses, the founders of the Chattering Order of St Beryl.

"Angel, are you sure this is a good idea?" asked Crowley, he glanced over his shoulder at Eden, who was laughing and joking with Shadwell and Gabriel, walking Star proudly on her new leash.

"I can't sense anything out of the ordinary dear boy, I think the Sisters can be trusted." Aziraphale replied as the group finally reached the doors. Crowley had a feeling that he heard the name St Beryl before, but right when it seemed he would remember, it would slip away.

Mother Superior had been preening the black feathers on her wings when Sister Zara knocked on her door and told her that she was here.....

The Mother Superior was a woman who looked like she was in her mid thirties, with long jet black hair that she refused to hide under her gray hood. The Mother couldn't help but be star struck by the young woman with dark red hair who was waiting in the Great Hall.

The Champion was exactly how her contacts had described her.....and she was beautiful.

And perfect...well....almost....but she could fix that....

The Sisters were very different from the nuns that Eden had seen back home. The Sisters of St Beryl Abbey wore dark gray robes with hoods and some of them even wore jewelry and makeup.

The Mother Superior, who said that they could just call her "Mother", welcomed the group with open arms and seemed genuinely concerned when Aziraphale explained his daughter's plight once the introductions were over.

"We've tried everything." Aziraphale concluded. "We were hoping that you might be able to help our daughter." The angel glanced at Eden, hoping that she would say something. After a moment and encouraging glances from Crowley, Gabriel and Shadwell, Eden met the Mother's piercing hazel green eyes.

"If it's not too much trouble Mother, I really would appreciate your help."

Bad Omens Book 2: Ye Saga ContinuesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang