Chapter 69

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"Aziraphale!" Crowley exclaimed when his husband suddenly cried out in surprise and pain, collapsing onto the cold tile floor.

Crowley and Shadwell helped the pain wracked angel to his feet, who was trembling now.

"What's wrong love?" Crowley demanded his voice tight with fear.

"My leg, my leg hurts..." Aziraphale rasped. Shadwell let the angel lean against his shoulder while Crowley bent down and quickly examined Aziraphale's legs.

"I don't see any signs of injury, I can cast a healing miracle just in case." Crowley raised a hand, ready to snap his fingers but Aziraphale stopped him.

"It's not my pain...." Aziraphale gasped, his left leg throbbing. "It's Eden....something is wrong...."

"Holy shit! Gabriel!" Shadwell exclaimed when the group found the limp body of the Archangel laying in a puddle of his own blood.

"Fuck!" Crowley swore at the sight of the deep claw marks that raked across the Archangel's midsection. What could have done this?

"Is he alive?" Shadwell asked, his voice tight, afraid that his new friend had been lost.

"Yes, he's breathing and the bleeding has stopped." Aziraphale murmured. His voice was heavy with pain, but that didn't stop him from kneeling down and cradling the Archangel's head in his arms.

Crowley snapped his fingers and the wounds were healed instantly, leaving Gabriel's clothes torn and bloodstained.

"He should be alright now; he just needs to take it easy for awhile." Shadwell let out a sigh of relief at Crowley's words of reassurance.

"Then I'll stay with him while you go find your daughter." Shadwell said, not feeling sorry for Samyaza in the slightest as the two fathers' made their way down the corridor.

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