Chapter 21

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       Archangel Gabriel was relieved to be back to his old self. After his time at the hot tub with Eden, which he enjoyed very much, Aziraphale had given him an entire bottle of Dramamine which was helping him greatly, although the next time he went on trip with the Fell's, he would insist on taking Eden's TARDIS.

Gabriel stood beside the ship's railing, enjoying the cool breeze and enjoying the smells coming from the ship's kitchen. Wine had already been poured and was waiting for the diners, but the Fell's hadn't shown up yet and the Archangel wanted to wait for them, he read in a book at Aziphale's bookshop that it was a polite gesture to want for the rest of your party to arrive before you began to eat. He hoped to impress Aziraphale and Crowley with how much he had learned about human etiquette during these past several months.

Gabriel's ears perked up at the sound of laughter. He recognized Eden's laughter and he savored it. Aziraphale rounded the corner, his arms intertwined with Crowley and Eden's. "You look beautiful my darlings." he beamed.

"Not as beautiful as you angel." replied Crowley tenderly, pecking the angel on the cheek.

"Oh, there's Gabriel!" Aziraphale quickly pulled away from Crowley and checked Eden's dress for wrinkles. "Remember, love, we'll be at the table if you need anything."

"Okay Papa." Eden suddenly felt self conscious, "Do I really look okay?"

"More than that, love, you look positively ineffable." Aziraphale smiled, his chest swelling with pride. "Now, go get that Archangel, the poor thing looks like he's about to faint." The angel cocked his head in the direction of Gabriel, who did indeed look like he was about to swoon.

Eden blushed as she gave her parents a quick hug.

Crowley and Aziraphale sat at the dinner table, keeping a watchful eye on their daughter as she approached the enchanted Archangel.

"Eden..." Gabriel said breathlessly, Eden was absolutely beautiful. Gabriel gaped at his girlfriend in the dark purple dress, her blue eyes gleamed as she smiled. She was also quite taken aback by how handsome her boyfriend was.

Gabriel was dressed in a black tuxedo with a matching tie, his hair had been combed down, which looked quite lovely, Eden thought to herself.

"Y-You l-look...." Gabriel stuttered, "B-Beautiful." he finally got out, his face now a strawberry red. Why did he always turn into a stuttering fool at the worst of times?

Eden giggled as she blushed too, "Thank you Gabe, you look beautiful too."

Gabriel's face turned a shade darker at her complement, Someone help him his knees were getting weak again!

Eden glanced behind her, seeing her Papa beckon them to the table. "Dinner is ready, let's eat!" she took Gabriel by the hand, and led him to the table where a very amused Crowley, Aziraphale and already drunk Shadwell were waiting for them.

After the meal, Shadwell and Eden were leaning over the railing, apparently, some dolphins had stopped by to say hello and Eden was so happy. The whole atmosphere of the Observador seemed to be more vibrant ever since the Fell's had boarded. Eden had not only befriended Captain Gad, but she had already befriended the entire crew, and most of them had joined Eden and Shadwell in admiring the dolphins, who were going out of their way to perform a show for Eden and her new human friends.

"Well, I think our dance night is cancelled." Aziraphale chuckled at the sight of Star, Eden had let the black and white mutt out of their sleeping quarters and she was now watching the dolphins intently, wagging her tail.

Crowley sighed in frustration. Music had been playing for nearly thirty minutes and no one was dancing. Gabriel was still sitting at the table with them, sucking down wine like a thirst deprived camel. Crowley could tell that the Archangel was nervous.

Crowley rose to his feet and grabbed Gabriel by the shoulder, "Right, come on!"

"Whut?" Gabriel muttered, nearly dropping his glass.

"I didn't book this trip so sailors could flirt with my daughter and be distracted by dolphins, especially that fat cunt Henry! He still owes me ten quid!" Crowley growled under his breath as he dragged the Archangel towards the crowd gathered by the railing.

"Oi, Eden!"

Eden turned at the sound of her Daddy's voice, a little surprised at the sight of her Daddy hauling a very flustered Gabriel in her direction.

"Gabriel wants to ask you something!" Crowley said as he shoved Gabriel inches away from Eden, staring deep into her blue serpentine eyes.

"Okay." Eden replied as she looked up at Gabriel, smiling, he was so cute when he was flustered.

"Y-Yes, I...." Gabriel's mind went blank. "Edie..." Gabriel got lost in her eyes again.

"Oh fer the love of...! Gabriel wants to dance with you!" Crowley wanted to slap that idiotic smile off of the Archangel's face, but for Eden's sake he would maintain control.

"Oh I would love too, but I don't think that's a good idea considering..." Dancing was not in the Fell's family forte. The only dancer in the family was of course, Aziraphale, who loved to dance the Gavotte, which recently came back into style, thanks to a miracle, courtesy of his husband as an 2nd anniversary present, was the family's resident dancer. As for Crowley, he was an expert in clumsy disco while Eden found the whole concept rather confusing at times, which is why she just preferred to listen to music.

"Leave that to me Eden. Right then, let's go!" Crowley grabbed Eden by the hand, leading her and Gabriel to the dance floor.

"Gabriel, you'll lead, so put your hands here..." Crowley placed the Archangel's hand on Eden's lower back, Gabriel's face became even redder. "And if I see this hand move anywhere else I'll fucking tear it off!" Crowley threatened as he directed the couple to clasp their free hands together. Gabriel flinched at Crowley's threat but felt a bit better when his dark purple gaze met Eden's blue serpentine eyes. He couldn't help but break into a lopsided grin as Eden smiled up at him warmly, her face just as red as his.

Crowley gave them a quick lesson and with a snap of his fingers, "Every Breath You Take" by the Police began to play from the speakers.

"Oh I love this song, ow!" Eden exclaimed. Gabriel had stepped on her foot.

"Shit! Sorry!" Gabriel gasped, horrified. Crowley quickly stepped in and helped the Archangel find his footing before he was finally able to stand aside and let his daughter dance with her "boyfriend".

"That was very sweet of you Crowley." said Aziraphale as Crowley returned to his husband's side.

"Shut up." Crowley muttered.

Aziraphale chuckled, "May I have this dance my love?"

"Certainly angel." Crowley replied with a crooked smile.

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