Chapter 14

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      Gabriel reached over, holding Eden's hand tightly as he forced the horrible memory to go away, reminding himself yet again that she was okay now. She was safe. And he would never let anything happen to her ever again.

You should have been there for her at the pub, he berated himself. Yet another thing he would never forgive himself for.

When the group finally arrived at the harbor, Gabriel made sure to not let Eden leave his sight. He wasn't going to risk a repeat of what had happened at the pub, he was a fool to think that humans could be trusted, they were vile creatures....

But oddly enough, Eden didn't seem bothered by the thugs at the pub and what they did to her, and if she was, she was hiding it very well, but her PTSD, at least that's what her parents had called it, was the main catalyst. According to Eden, she got a "flashback" of when she had been ripped away from him all those months ago. The last bout of PTSD she had resulted with her running away and the Archangel had been sick with worry for his Edie, but at least Crowley was able to find her and bring her home.

Eden's almond shaped eyes shimmered as she showed Gabriel around the harbor. She would point and they would watch the hard working fisherman haul in their nets which were filled to the brim with fish, and the people who worked at wooden booths would give them free samples of shucked oysters, clams, and even shrimp. When the humans would offer even more samples, Eden would accept gratefully, thanking them profusely while Gabriel eyed them warily, still not completely convinced.

With her mouth still full of oyster, Eden and Gabriel turned when they heard Aziraphale call, "Eden, Gabriel! Crowley has just snapped the Bentley home....are those oysters?" Eden ended up with an entire bag of shellfish, which she was more than happy to share with her Papa.

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