Chapter 18

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Eden jerked awake, her body drenched in a cold sweat. She had another nightmare. This one was different though, she had lost control of her blue was horrible. She tucked Ducky back under the covers with Star then tiptoed out of the cabin so she wouldn't disturb her sleeping parents. Eden needed some air.

Eden stared out at the ocean, the motion of the sparkling waves soothing her troubled soul.

Captain Gad was on his way to get a quick bite to eat when he saw Miss Fell, her dark red hair flames in the early morning light. The Captain also noticed that she looked as if she had the world on her shoulders.

"Are you all right Miss Fell?" The Captain asked as he reached her side.

"Good morning Captain, I'm fine." Eden lied.

"Come now, you look more blue than those lovely eyes of yours my dear." Eden met his stunning gray eyes.

"I had a bad dream is all." Eden finally murmured, turning her serpentine eyes back to the sea.

"Ah, yes." Gad murmured sympathetically. He had bad dreams of his own..... "Have you told your family?"

Eden shook her head. "They've already been through so much, I don't want to worry them anymore." Gad watched as Eden wiped away tears of distress. Eden would be in her Papa's comforting arms as her Daddy dried her tears, which had been a common occurrence lately, but now....

"Say, I'm on my way to breakfast, would you like to join me?" Gad smiled when the young woman brightened up. "I would love to!"

Gad couldn't help but feel his chest swell at her smile, "Oh and Captain?"


"You can call me Eden." She brightened even more when the Captain replied, "In that case my dear Eden, you can call me Gad."  

Bad Omens Book 2: Ye Saga ContinuesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang