Chapter 58

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"Ow!" Eden griped as Aziraphale washed the blood from her bloody lip. The damp handkerchief stung the puncture wounds her fangs had left behind. Her vision blurred as her eyes watered. Her entire mouth ached after her fangs shrunk back into her skull, turning back into normal teeth.

"Forgive me Little One, I must clean the blood away." Her Papa's voice had a strange note to it and Eden knew why. He was thinking about that day again....and what came after.

Eden's own memories of those events were quite convoluted. She only recalled bits and pieces of the day she died. She would never forget the look on Lucifer's face as he ran her through, those black eyes like two empty pits of misery that still haunted her.

She also recalled Gabriel carrying her away to safety, the searing, burning pain, feeling the blood pulsing from her many wounds, followed by Gabriel begging her to not leave him...and the scattered bits and pieces of when her parents arrived. She didn't exactly remember what words they had exchanged, but she did remember their cries as it became harder to breathe as the air rattled in her chest....

What she did remember clearly though, was quite a lot for someone so young to deal with. She shuddered as her mind was bombarded by the memories of her time in Heaven and Purgatory, followed by those long months of recovery....

"Are you okay Queenie?" Crowley asked, kicking himself. Of course she wasn't okay! Aziraphale was cleaning blood off of her face! But what else could he say?

Eden didn't know how to answer that question so she just shrugged as Crowley sat down next to her. Gabriel was sitting on the opposite side, clasping her hand tightly. He had tried to excuse himself, to give the family their space, but Eden asked him to stay, she didn't want him to leave her sight just yet.

With a snap of his fingers, the two puncture wounds vanished. "There now, all better." Aziraphale declared triumphantly. "How do you feel Eden?" the angel asked.

"My mouth hurts." Eden said without hesitating. Crowley snapped his fingers this time and the pain went away. "There ya go love."

"Thanks...." Eden stared straight ahead blankly, which was quite unsettling so Crowley asked, "Are you sure you don't want something to eat Eden? You haven't eaten in ages, you must be starving."

Suddenly, Eden turned to face him, her blue serpentine eyes meeting his amber orange gaze.

"They put me in a muzzle and Samyaza tried to take advantage of me."

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