Chapter 28

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Crowley's gaze followed Eden and Gabriel until the disappeared into a different part of Notre Dame. The demon sighed. He wanted the group to stay together as they explored the chapel, but it was obvious that Eden and Gabriel wanted to go off on their own. He of course reminded them about the "Twelve Inches" rule and off they went. He would have followed them if he could, but he had to keep holding Aziraphale hand of he would get his feet burned off.....

He was about to make the sacrifice and go after them but Aziraphale squeezed his hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "They'll be fine love."

"I know....but a part of me still can't believe that she's all grown up with a...."boyfriend". It was so strange, saying it out loud.

"It's gone by awfully quickly hasn't it?" Aziraphale replied wistfully.

"Yeah." Crowley surmised as they followed Shadwell down another corridor.

"Crowley will kill me if he catches us...." Gabriel murmured as he planted a series of kisses down Eden's neck. The couple had ducked behind a massive pillar once they entered the chapel's chamber.

"I won't let him." Eden whispered as she kissed his neck in return.

"Do you like Paris?" she asked as she lay her head against his chest.

"It's wonderful." Gabriel replied as he ran a hand through her dark red hair. He gazed into her blue serpentine eyes, "How are the nightmares? Any better?" He felt his heart sank with dismay when Eden shook her head. "They're getting worse."


"It's okay Gabe, Papa and Daddy have been putting me to sleep which makes them go away." Eden forced a smile, hoping it would reassure him.

"But they always come back."

"Well, tomorrow we're going to St Beryl Abbey. Papa and I read about them, the nuns there are experts in dealing with the supernatural."

Gabriel tensed, "Is that a good idea? Telling strange humans about what you're going through?"

Eden looked lost. "What other options do we have Gabriel? I just want to have a good night sleep again and I want things to go back to normal...." she stared at the stone floor. "Papa can sense if people are trustworthy are not.....andI'll leave out certain details since, well, you know......"

No human therapist would be able to comprehend all that she and her had endured, their only option were humans who dabbled in the occult, perhaps they would be more willing to understand.

"Hey..." Gabriel raised her chin with gentle fingers. "It'll all be tickety boo." As he leaned forward to give her a reassuring kiss, a voice called, "Queenie! Gabriel! Where are you?"

Eden and Gabriel quickly straightened out their clothes and stepped out from behind the pillar to answer Crowley's call.

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