But Jungkook was stubborn, he kept staring. 

The Royal King headed towards the Main seat and with each incoming step, Jungkook felt his breaths start cowering. His stomach burned with fire and his throat got clogged. 

The maroon cloak was trailing behind the Royal King, wiping the proofs of his steps. 

Jungkook doesn't know why he is feeling so many emotions all of a sudden but the presence of his Alpha was making him dizzy. He closed his eyes to calm down his heaving breaths, his hands fisted the free lapels around his wrists.

Jungkook was standing beside the Main seat of Alpha, their gaze met when Taehyung looked at the head of the table. Jungkook felt like the steps slowed down as his Alpha approached the chair.

Those grey eyes…

Jungkook was sure something was wrong with him because a wolf's heart can't beat with this much intensity. Will he ever be able to get used to his Alpha's presence? A series of goosebumps started from his toes and went straight up to his nape when Taehyung stood close to the chair.

The Royal Alpha King was looking at his mate, his eyes were located over his veil right over the other one's eyes. But he soon shifted his gaze to Jimin and sat on the chair. Jimin sat on the first chair in the left row of the table. 

The breathing pattern Jungkook was following wasn't helping his racing heart at all. He blinked his eyes rapidly to focus better ahead of him but an invisible fog was blurring his vision.

All haziness and blurriness vanished in thin air when he felt a hand over his fisted palms. Jungkook glanced at the hand, he had seen those rings before. Jungkook looked down as his fists loosen up and a rough hand slid under his soft palms, capturing them in a safe hold before leading him over the front of the chair.

The Royal Alpha made Jungkook sit on his right thigh, his gaze fixed over the table while Jungkook looked down. 

As soon as Jungkook sat on his Alpha's lap, his heart felt the utter glee of peace. It was beating normally, not racing. His features were not stiffened like before, they were soft, with a sheer glim of blush present over them.

The Royal Alpha motioned his hand toward the table and ordered his people," Start your meal."

The pack members cheered before launching themselves over the food. Jungkook looked at them while sitting on his Alpha's lap, he noticed their bewildered faces and astonishing eyes while eating the feast and felt immense pleasure. A satisfied smile occurred over his lips as pack members started feeding their mates and pups too.

Jungkook noticed all of them were enjoying their dinner while eating with their hands, it confused him. Why would someone eat with hands when the whole table was littered with every type of fancy spoons and chopsticks? But he felt content while watching them licking their fingers clean. Jungkook was not fabricating when he felt that he could watch this scene daily. It gave him an oddly pleasing sensation when his pack members would fall asleep with a full stomach of food.

Jimin opened the container placed in front of him and took some of the food on his plate, his mouth was watering seeing the foreign dish on his plate. He hurriedly took some bites and moaned in satisfaction, he chewed the food with closed eyes, the dish was cheesy melting in his mouth as soon as it touched his tongue. 

He opened his eyes but coughed two times when he saw Commander Hoseok was sitting in front of him and looking at him in confusion. Did he just moan out loud? 

"Ahh excuse me, It was just so delicious that I couldn't contain myself." Jimin smiled, his cheeks were burning with embarrassment.

"We can understand, Your highness. No matter how many times we empty our plates, the heart just wants to eat more and more." One of the pack members said and all others howled with him.

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