That's rather ambitious of him

Start from the beginning

Tsunade and Ibiki left shortly after, leaving me with Anko and Otou-sensei; Anko had apparently decided to become my pillow and had carefully moved me around till I was lying with my head on her lap, where she was gently untangling my hair, which at this point was stiff with blood, using only her fingers, while Otou-sensei were gently working on washing away most of the blood on my face and hands with a damp rag, blood which didn't seem too keen on being washed away all that easily, he probably could have removed it rather easily, but he seemed worried about hurting me, which was fair as everything was painful.

Hardly any time passed before the door swung open and Tsunade and Ibiki came right back in, followed by a stressed looking Raikage and C and Darui, who too didn't look all that happy, they paused at the sight in front of them, but proceeded to the only table in the room, which was where Tsunade and Ibiki had already sat down. They were speaking together in rushed, but hushed, tones and I was for once too tired to listen, though they kept throwing looks my way, which I pretended not to notice, besides it was more fun to wait and see if, or when, any of the others noticed the blonde that had just arrived and was hiding by the door, which they hadn't closed properly. He was hiding pretty well, but his hair was poking out from where he stood by the door; figuring that if Deidara was there, then Sasori couldn't be far away, I started to look around to find him, something that Otou-sensei noticed and asked about it in a soft whisper, clearly trying not to catch any more of the Raikage, and them, 's attention than we already had, and they didn't seem to notice, yet Deidara's sudden move hinted quite strongly that he heard it, I could see him move closer to the door, obviously trying to look in.

"Deidara's by the door, so I figured that Sasori had to be here somewhere too, I can't see him though." I responded just as quietly, which had both Otou-sensei and Anko look to the door, before looking around the room as well.

I could see Deidara give a grin through the slight opening of the door and when something black, fabric-like moved by the window closest to me, well, I was pretty sure that was Sasori telling me where he was; Otou-sensei saw it too, but he just shook his head with a slightly amused look on his face.

"Well, they were worried, when they found out that you had gone missing, again. At least now we won't have to find them to tell them that you've been found." He commented, which made me giggle, though that giggle turned out to be too much and I ended up coughing painfully, which in turn made me the center of attention; the Raikage, C and Darui all three looked oddly stricken, and the door had moved ever so slightly, almost like Deidara had been about to enter.

"Move her to the hospital, use what you need, but I expect a full list of the injuries she's gained from this attack, once she's better." The Raikage very suddenly decided and that seemed to be the end of that discussion as I was suddenly picked up, which had my world spinning and then darkening.

When I woke up again, it was quiet and I was in what I recognized as a hospital bed, though I wasn't hurting as much, so it seemed that Tsunade had already been doing her magic, which was nice. My back was still hurting, my ribs were obviously still damaged, but they felt like they'd been righted, and my thigh wasn't happy as it felt like I had a hole straight through it. But overall, I was better, and I could probably take care of the worst of what was left with my water jutsu, at least I wasn't as bad off as I'd been after Deidara blew me up.

I was alone in the hospital room, which was sort of strange as I really didn't think that Otou-sensei would let me be alone in a place I didn't know. With a wince I got out of bed and took a look around the room, while making sure to keep quiet just in case, I was surprised to find guards on the outside of the door; had the Raikage put guards on my room? Was he behind Otou-sensei not being here?

If that was the case, then there was yet another reason to dislike him; I was hurt and sort of a little scared, so it was really only natural for me to want my dad here...

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