7:12PM • 6 Jan 21

jeon_jungkook: shut up i will sob a river please call my therapist
|min_yoongi: loml <33
|jeon_jungkook: IM FUCKUNT SOBBING
|min_yoongi: milkshakes make it better, i will order delivery <33

User78200937: this so </3

yoonkookers: </3

"i'm excited to get my braces off" yoongi grinned, taking a bite out of some watermelon, "i know, that's all you talk about" jungkook playfully scoffed.

it was true! it was all yoongi would talk about, he was excited to get them off. most of the excitement came from wanting to suck dick without complaining about cutting the inside of his mouth.

"be happy for me" yoongi huffed, flicking jungkook's forehead and crossing his arms, "fine. i'm so happy for you!" jungkook said, faking his voice making yoongi huff again.

"you're mean" yoongi sulked, cuddling jungkook's chest, jungkook chuckled and nodded.


going to my therapist 🙌  mentally ill gang 🙌

going to my therapist 🙌  mentally ill gang 🙌

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4:56PM • 6 Jan 21

jeon_jungkook: update- i got diagnosed with adhd
|jeon_jungkook: OMG 4LYFERSS

min_yoongi: TF U LOOK SO SWAG FOR?!!?! i bring my pillow to therapy and go in my pj's....
|jeon_jungkook: I LIKE CLOTHES
|min_yoongi: i know what to buy
|min_yoongi: fine.

yoonkoo: where did u take this picture??
|jeon_jungkook: yoongis house?
|jeon_jungkook: PLS

User938839: remember yoongi tried to kill himself
|min_yoongi: contacting legal authorities

"how was your session?" yoongi asked when jungkook got back in the car, the young hummed as he thought of what to say.

"i'm getting off medication to see if that will reduce the nightmares, the session in general just... i felt a bit frustrated if anything, i did some exposure therapy and since a lot of my triggers aren't something i can do at the office, she said i should do it at home"

yoongi hummed, "how will that work?" he asked, "she said to give this to you and if you didn't understand or wanted to know more, we would schedule a session for you, her, and i" jungkook said, yoongi nodded, taking the papers into his hand.

he read them carefully, understanding how he could help and what to do. it would break his heart in thousands of pieces if jungkook cried but he was going to do what had to be done for jungkook to recover.

jungkook pulled the smaller boy close to his chest, yoongi was the cutest out there.

"i love you" jungkook smiled, yoongi smiled back, shutting his eyes and digging his head further into jungkook's chest, "i love you too kook"

yoongi was absolutely in love with jungkook. they had only been dating for a couple months but they were extremely in love. he wanted to spend the rest of his life with jungkook.

"yoon, how's therapy?' jungkook asked, yoongi sleepily hummed, "it's good" he said, yawning and sighing.

"lucky" jungkook mumbled, "i'm sorry you had to go through so much my jungkookie, but you're so strong!" yoongi smiled, jungkook loved yoongi's reassuring words.

"where's my blanket?" jungkook asked, he needed it to sleep. not only did it help him sleep but he had a connection to it.

yoongi hummed, "i think you left it on the couch" yoongi said, since both of them had adhd, it was common for them to lose everything. yoongi would never forget the moment he lost his camera while it was in front of him, he names it one of the dumbest moments in his life.

"thank you for my blanket hyung, i really like it" jungkook smiled once he got his blanket from the living room.

yoongi smiled back, "no problem kook, i just want you to be happy"

stay safe and healthy! drink water and eat some food! sorry for any mistakes, i love you all! qotd: hm. what could go wrong in the next chapters /gen. SORRY THIS IS SHORT BTW ILYSM

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