Chapter 26

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"Jongin, could we just go to a clinic nearby instead of the hospital?" Naeun asked as she pulled the seatbelt and secured it.

Kai started the car's engine before turning to face Naeun. He wanted to argue but seeing the pitiful look she gave him, he decided to give in and drove to a nearby clinic instead of the hospital.

They were lucky that nobody was around the clinic when they arrived. The doctor cleanse and covers Naeun wounds with a bandage in no time. They paid and left the clinic.

"Any other injuries?" Kai asked taking Naeun's hand in his when they were finally inside the car again.

"No. I'm fine. Just worried about Marcella's and my employees." Naeun answered truthfully.

Kai was about to ask more when Naeun's cellphone rang. She read the name on the screen and shown it to him. It was her mother.

Naeun assured her mother everything are fine and in fact they are on their way back to the party before hanging up.

"God, I totally forgot we have an engagement party to be at." Naeun declared.

Kai smirked before replying to her statement.

"Our engagement. Hope our families are fine with having us join the party with our state."

Naeun stare at her bandaged arm before looking at Kai's rumpled jacket and laughed. Kai smiles at her and drive away.

They were near the house when it occurred to Kai that they will have to bear with a lot of questioning from the guests the moment they walked through the front gate.

"Baby, why don't we get inside through the back door? Have you changed into other dress, preferably one that cover your arm." He suggested.

"Hmm, sure. You need freshening up to do to."
Naeun giggles after her statement and wipes a speck of dirt from his front jacket. Showing her darkened finger at him.

Naeun called Saeun to open the back door for them while Kai was parking the car. They didn't speak of the incidents earlier.

Kai was done washing his face and was just putting on his coat that one of the maid had brushed clean for him when his friends walked in to the guest room.

"What happened?" Suho asked, a tinge of worry in his voice.

"Some thugs broke into Marcella's."

"And? The police caught the perpetrators or not?" Baekhyun asked this time, while Chanyeol who was standing next to him took a step towards Kai.

"Investigations are underway. I need help to get to the bottom of this. Suho Hyung you have contacts with private investigators right?"

"That I do. I would make some calls later. For now let's get you engaged."

Chanyeol helped Kai to straighten his coat and turned to smile at Suho and Baekhyun. Sehun poked his head through the door and called out his hyungs.
Chanyeol gave him a thumbs up and pushed Kai towards the door, as the other men follows.

Naeun's room

"I can't believe you Eonnie. How could you go traipsing about Marcella's when it's your engagement night. And getting yourself injured." Saeun said to Naeun in a frustrated voice.

"It's my responsibility. Come on Saeun. Help me zip this dress. Like you said, it's my engagement night. I have to be outside now." Naeun answered calmly. She glanced at the wall clock and swallowed her saliva. It is almost 10.30 p.m.

Saeun walked to her side and zip the dress and noticed her agitated face.

"It's fine Eonnie. Mom made an announcement earlier. Change of itinerary."

A smile broke on Naeun's lips, thinking how much it must've irked her mother to announce the delay. Naeun opened her mouth to speak when a knock and her mother's voice can be heard asking them to hurry up.

Mrs Son's eyebrows furrowed seeing the different dress Naeun wore but she didn't make any comments, pressed for time she shooed her two daughters out of the room towards the garden.

Kai stood at the gazebo with his family while a soft music plays behind them. Naeun and her family walked up to join them as the singer acts as the emcee and called the attention of the guests towards the couple.

Loud cheers erupted after Kai put on the engagement ring into Naeun's fourth finger.

"It is said the engagement ring is placed on the fourth finger because it is believed it had a vein that ran directly to the heart. Vena Amoris. Congratulations to our couple Mr Kim Kai and Miss Son Naeun." The lively singer said after the thank you speech from both families.

"Enjoy the party and this song from us." The singer continued after taking over the gazebo as the couple have went to mingle with the guests.

"Nice song choice." Remarked Chanyeol to Baekhyun as they greeted the now engaged couple.

"Congratulations. Now let's party. I need dance partner." Sehun uttered, his head scanning his surroundings for dance partner.

A few guests are currently dancing at the open space in front of the gazebo. The beats from the drums making everyone feeling merry.

"The dog days are over" Baekhyun sang along and pulled Suho and Chanyeol's hands to join him dancing. Kai pulled Naeun for a dance as well, leaving Sehun wide eyed being left alone.

Shaking his head, he laughed and join his friends dancing and clapping their hands to the beat.

"I never wanted anything from you, except everything you had and what was left after that too." Naeun sings the bridge part softly, that only Kai could hear her.

Kai smiled and kissed her forehead before twirling Naeun around as the beats are back.

A big round of applause were given to the singer and her bands after the song ended. The singer smile widely before speaking to the crowd.

"Next song will be a slow number. Grab your partner. If you don't have one, ask the person next to you and enjoy this night." She winked at the end of her comment earning a cheer.

The keyboardist struck the first chord as guests slowly hold a partner close to dance the song.

Writer's Note: Votes are appreciated ❤️🙈 if I have any grammatical errors please tell me and I would ammend it. Any suggestions or comments are welcome ☺️ Guess who the singer is 👀

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