Chapter 25

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The drive to Marcella's from the Son's family home was fairly short. Naeun and Kai arrived to the sight of two police patrol cars with their lights on and people gathered outside of the club.

Two police officers made two lines, men on the left and women on the right. Rapidly asking for identification and contact numbers. Efficiently jotting the informations on their notebooks from each individual before informing the group of people that they have to come to the police station for their statement as eyewitnesses and to disperse.

Naeun went out of the car and dashed to Mr Choi's side who was talking animatedly to a policeman. Leaving Kai to park the car.

"Officer, this is the owner and my boss, Miss Son."
Introduced Mr Choi. There's a grim look on his face that does not sit well with Naeun.

"Ma'am, we will be asking those in attendance today to come to the police stations for their statement. Patrons and employees both. We will need your cooperations too." The policeman spoke politely but full of authority despite his young looking face.

"We will cooperate with the police, officer. But may I go inside with my manager first before going to the police station?" Naeun asked, moving her gaze from the officer to Mr Choi the manager.

She have many questions to ask Mr Choi and she needs to see how bad the damage is inside the club. From what she could see outside, nothing much was done by the thugs. The only sign of trouble was the broken entrance glass door and nothing else.

Another police officer in full uniform approached the trio and intercepted before the previous policeman could give Naeun an answer. He appeared to be a senior as the younger man kept quiet and let him do the talking.

"Of course you may Ma'am, but we would like to advise you not to touch anything significant that could be evidence. And there will be an officer assigned to collect the cctv recordings. So either one of you would have to assist the officer later."

Naeun nodded her understanding and smile as she gestured with her hand towards the entrance of Marcella's. Both officers nodded their head, the younger pulled up the "police only" line vector allowing Naeun and Mr Choi to pass through. Excusing herself, Naeun took a step and walked side by side with Mr Choi when she heard Kai's voice calling out her name.

"Nangni, let me come with you."

Kai jogged to her side and bowed to Mr Choi and the two policemen. The older policeman lifted his right brow; questioning.

"My fiancé, may he come with us?" Asked Naeun to the officer.

The officer nodded his assent and gesture with his hand towards Marcella's entrance. The group walked with the officer and Mr Choi at the front and Naeun and Kai following behind them.

Naeun looked around the club and saw chairs askew, tables upside down and broken glasses. Moving her head, she gasped seeing the conditions of the bar. The cupboards made of glass were broken including the bottles inside.

"What happened here looks to be a work of revenge." The officer voiced his opinion and continue to walk around the ground floor.

Naeun was about to move to the staircases that will lead her to the first floor, when Mr Choi stopped her.
"Nothing much happened upstairs Miss. The thugs hit our two bouncers out side before crashing in and hitting the tables and doing the damages to the bar and this floor, but they never went upstairs."

Naeun nodded and smiled grimly towards the manager before asking Mr Choi to get the cctv footage recordings of the incident for the police.

The group head out of the club and stood outside of Marcella's. The crowd have dispersed and only a handful of people left mostly the staff members of Marcella's. Naeun went and spoke to her staff asking them to take paid leaves until further notice from the management.

"Mr Choi, please make sure our employees that needs medical treatments get treated. All expenses will be covered by the company." Naeun spoke firmly to Mr Choi after saying goodbye to her employees.

Naeun and Mr Choi were standing side by side with Kai standing quietly behind them in front of Marcella's when a couple of motorcycles went passed them and thrown bottles. The first bottle exploded right in front of Marcella's entrance causing Naeun and Mr Choi to jump in surprise. The second bottle was thrown near Naeun making her jump a second time and fall on her back.

"It's Molotov cocktail! Officer Han, we need back up!" The older policeman shouted to the younger officer as he ran towards Naeun and Mr Choi.

Kai pulled Naeun who had fallen on the pavement from shock. A fire started at the entrance of Marcella's and near Naeun. Mr Choi who was closed to Naeun took of his jacket and smothered the fire near them with it while the remaining staffs ran over to help him.

"Baby, are you okay?" Kai asked Naeun worriedly as he took her near the police car. He looked at her from top to toe for injuries. And noticed her right arm had a minor scratch and it is bleeding.

Fishing out a handkerchief from his coat pocket, he lifted her arm to inspect it and placed the handkerchief on the wound carefully. He cursed when he heard Naeun hissed in pain.

"I'm taking you out of here. We need to get you to the hospital." Kai muttered loudly before lifting his head to face the police officer from earlier.

"The fire department had arrived. You can take miss Son to the hospital first, we will get things under control in the meantime." The officer said before turning to speak to Naeun.
"Miss Son, the police will need to see you at the police station at the earliest time possible. And I ask you to please be extra careful as the attacks seems to be aimed at you."

Naeun nodded her understanding and thanked the officer before turning to face Mr Choi who have left his firefighting post to the firefighters.

"Miss, I would go to the police station with the other staffs first." Mr Choi said calmly despite the worried look on his face.

"I'll call you later Mr Choi. Thank you and please take care of yourself." Naeun said earnestly with a small smile.

Writer's Note: I am back💃🏻💃🏻 thank you for the support. Please vote and comment y'all ❤️❤️ Selamat Hari Raya 🌙 Eid Mubarak

EXO-Ls if you could preorder Don't Fight The Feelings please do so 🥺

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