Chapter 4

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They were on their way to his parents house when Kai made a stop in front of a pharmacy. Done with his purchase Kai dashed back to the car and gave her the package he was holding.Puzzled Naeun stare at the box and bottle of water. Naeun turn the box to read the brand's name and the small wordings and blushed a deep red. She unbox it carefully and took one of the pill as indicated on the pamphlet she's holding with the water before turning to thank him. Kai nodded and focused back on his driving.

Naeun shoved the other pill inside her bag and set a reminder on her cellphone to take the second pill the next 12 hours. She settled on the car seat comfortably, relieved that he at least know about this stuff.

"Nangni" he call softly when they were closer to his parents house. Suddenly feeling dizzy and nauseous she just answered him with a short hmm.
"If there's a possibility of you being pregnant. You'll let me know right?"
"Why? You gonna marry me or something?" She smile and try to joke with him.
He was just turning into his parents house driveway when she asked him the question so instead of answering her immediately, he parked his car before looking at her and spoke in earnest.
"What do you expect? I won't let any kid of mine being raised without me" he spoke heatedly.
"Chill will you? I was just joking. If there's a possibility of it, I'll let you know" she went out of the car and ran to the house leaving him to stare at her back.

He walks to the entrance and let himself in without a noise. He saw his mother sitting on the living room sofa with both hands on her lap. He got closer and hug her from behind.
"Don't worry. She'll be fine"
"Jongin you're here" she turn and gave him a kiss on his cheek. She smile brightly to her youngest and only son.
"Yes I'm here. Where's Nangni? She ran inside ahead of me earlier" his eyes roam around the house.

Mrs Kim smile watching the worried look on her son's face. She told him that Naeun ran straight to the bathroom as soon as she got inside the house earlier. Touching Jongin's arm she excuse herself.

Heading to the kitchen to cook for lunch, Mrs Kim came across Son Naeun looking all pale.

"Naeun are you okay?" Mrs Kim asked worriedly.
"I'm fine Mama Kim, it's probably the wine I had with Jonginie last night" she chuckles, earning a smile from Mrs Kim.
"So you were with Jongin last night? I guess you slept at his penthouse." Mrs Kim remarked casually.
Naeun following behind Mrs Kim to the kitchen coughed uncomfortably upon hearing the word slept before she recovers.

"Yes Mama Kim, we celebrated Sehun's birthday last night. You know how controlling Jongin is. So I end up sleeping at his penthouse"

Mrs Kim nodded. Naeun is like a daughter to her. Naeun and Jongin grew up together being so inseparable when they were little going to the same school and after school activities together. Kai even enrolled to ballet classes just to be with Naeun when they were eight. Smiling at the memories Mrs Kim stare at Naeun.
"I remember how you and Jongin would fought often during your teenage years. I thought you both would drift apart. I guess the fights made your friendship last longer" Mrs Kim chuckles as Naeun smile at her.

Naeun was helping Mrs Kim to peel some potatoes when Kai walks in to the kitchen. He took a seat next to her and play with the potato peelings.
"Mom, you should invite Nangni often to help you with cooking. Look at how she peels this poor potato. She needs more practice" he spoke earning a glare from Naeun.

"If you're so good at it, why don't you do it Jonginie?Naeun come here and help me stir this stew." His mother expertly delegates the job to him and Naeun while she move to make rolled omelettes.

Finished with the cooking for their lunch, his mother shooed them both out of the kitchen saying she'd clean the kitchen alone and will call them when it's time to eat.

Out of habit they both went to his room to rest while waiting for his dad to come home from the hospital and have lunch with them. She lay down on his bed and sigh heavily, still feeling a bit under the weather.
"Are you alright? You look pale" he asked taking a seat next to her and stare at her face closely.
"Just a bit dizzy and nauseous. I'll be fine in few hours" she shrugged and breath deeply.

Nodding he lay down next to her feeling relieved they're not uncomfortable with each other after last night's incident.

"Your room didn't change much. It feels like we're back in college and came home for holidays" she smile fondly at some past memories.
"Mom kept the room as it was after I moved out. Beside I come home often unlike someone I know"
"What?" She's whining, a sure sign of guilt.
"You're mom told my mom. She said you and your sister rarely comes home after moving out of your parents house."
"They're barely at home being busy with their charities, vacations and friends. How'd you expect me and Saeun to visit them often?"

He could hear the annoyance in her voice. He was lucky that even though his dad was busy with business matters, he always have his mom around. It's different for Naeun, both her parents worked at the company and left her and her little sister to the care of nannies and maids. When her parents retired due to her dad's health, they became immersed with charities and their own hobbies.

"Nangni, you could try and make things work with your parents without waiting for them to" he is not trying to meddle in her family's affair, but he knows how much her relationship with her parents affected her.

"I love my parents, and they love me and Saeun too. It's just that we're not like other families. Even if we try to do things differently, too much time have passed." She paused before continuing, "can we not talk about this?"

"So what do you want to talk about?" He asked after a moment of silence.
"How's business? I heard you're buying new planes and adding new routes."
"And where you heard this from?"
"Your dad told my dad."
He turned to look at her and can see her smirking.
"Touché. Well the board of directors have yet to approve the proposal, those old geezers are happy with what they have now and seems reluctant to invest more."
"Convince them. They need to see the statistics and graphs, datas and facts. If the profits are going to be higher than the chances of losses they'll give you their approval." She spoke supportively.
" I've presented all of those in my proposal, but they think it's a risky endeavour and they have problem with the routes I chose initially."
"So when is the next presentation?"
"Next Friday. My team and I will be busy researching and recollecting datas if we want the next proposal to get a pass from the board members"
She was about to say something when the door to the room opened slightly. His mom peeks at them and smile.

"You two really have grown up. Instead of talking about classes, you are now talking about business. Come down you two, you're dad is waiting Jonginie."
Kai and Naeun both turned to look at each other and laugh loudly.
"Mom, how long were you outside of the door?"
Kai asked while holding his mother's shoulders and walk out of his room, Naeun a step behind them.
His mother ignored his question and kept walking.

"Mama Kim, you always listened to our conversation outside of the door since we were in high school. I wonder why sometimes" Naeun teased Mrs Kim.
Mrs Kim stopped on her tracks and turned to stare at Jongin and Naeun with a smile.
"Well, you're both adults now maybe I should stop. When you were younger, we were worried that you two could be doing something. Always locked up together in Jongin's room."
"What could we possibly do? We're both good kids." Kai chuckles and look at his mother.
"You're a boy and Naeun's a girl. Many things could've happened." His mother spoke before walking away leaving them both dumbfounded.

"Are the kids coming?" They heard his father asked his mother. They walk hurriedly to the dining room and smile at his parents before taking a seat next to each other.

They were done eating when his father's cellphone rang. It was his brother in-law informing them that his sister have given birth to a baby boy via c-section. Both mom and son doing great and there is no need for them to worry.

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