Chapter 8

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Day of the party

Naeun drove to her parents house for dinner before going to the party , Saeun won't be joining them since she have flown to the U.S for practice. The dinner was monotonous as usual, her parents asked her few questions and she answered before they ignore her and talk about their friends and activities. She sometimes wonder if she and Saeun were just prizes to be taken out when necessary by her parents because that's what she felt. Naeun and Saeun got the best educations, never lacking in material stuff and will inherit their parents enormous wealth but never their attention.

Naeun play with her foods, suddenly feeling dejected and down. She remembered those days when her parents worked and she and Saeun were left to the care of others. Naeun spent many hours at Kai's house, his mother caring for her more than her own that she call Kai's mother Mama Kim. Mama Kim was the one that went to receive her report cards from her home room teachers, taught her about being a woman when she got her first period, and it was Mama Kim who was there for her throughout the years instead of her own mother.

"Naeun are you done?" Her mother asked bringing her back to reality. Putting down her fork, Naeun smile and nodded. Her mother turned and face her father.
"Shall we leave now honey?"
"Yes. Let's go then."

The Kim's house look festive with lights at the garden all lit up and few tables set up beautifully for the guests. Kai's parents and his sisters are standing at the front door greeting their guests politely and inviting them in for refreshments and food. The Son family walks up the staircase and congratulated the Kim's for the latest addition and thanking their hosts for inviting them. Naeun's father hugged Mr Kim and laugh boisterously, while her mother went to Mama Kim and hugged her before turning to congratulate Jungah.

Naeun went to speak to Junghwa, Kai's eldest sister and praise them for the beautiful party settings before asking where the children are.
"They're upstairs with Jongin. You know how they are." She said with a smile. Naeun chuckles lightly and excuse herself to go upstairs when she saw that there is hardly anyone her age at the party.

Naeun knocks on Kai's door few times before it was opened by Rahee. The seven year old girl smile and hug Naeun excitedly. Naeun goes onto her knees and hug the girl tight when she saw five year old Raeon running towards her. Letting go of Rahee, Naeun turned to give the boy a hug and kiss on the cheek.
Standing up, Naeun laugh as she was pulled into the room by both kids.

"Aunt Nangni, Kai-chon told us that we have a baby cousin and not to make loud noises so the baby won't be awake." Rahee spoke eloquently.
"Really? Have you seen the baby?" Naeun ask her eyes focused on the kids as she took a seat at the edge of the bed. Raeon came to sit next to her with a pout.
"The baby is small and won't talk." Raeon said sitting on her lap. Naeun chuckles and hug the boy. Rahee came to sit next to her and play with her loose hair and before Naeun could say something more the girl spoke first.
"Aunt Nangni, you're so pretty. I want to grow up and be as pretty as you."
"You won't be as pretty as Aunt Nangni." Raeon spoke before sticking out his tongue at Rahee.
"Raeon, you shouldn't speak like that to your sister. Rahee is pretty and would grow up prettier." Kai spoke softly. Naeun smile and agree with him.
"Yes Kai-chon is right. Have you guys eaten?" She asked the kids.
"We have eaten and we were playing with Kai-chon legos." Rahee answered and went to pick up the legos she have put together and shown it to Naeun. She cooed and ask the girl what it was before Raeon went to get his creations and shown it to her too.

Kai stood watching Naeun interactions with his niece and nephew, thinking how kind and good she is with the kids and what a great mother she would be. He smile seeing the kids pulling her to the floor to assemble the lego sets but her dress is not cooperating with her and she have this puzzled look on her face on how to manoeuvre her dress so she could join the kids. He laughed loudly when she failed and ask the kids to put the legos on his bed instead.

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