Chapter 1

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He stood on the second floor railing watching the club goers on the dance floor dancing to the loud music blaring from the speakers surrounding the club. The dim lighting made it hard to make of the faces, but the occasional moving lasers and strobe made the ladies dresses shines bright in various colours and cuts making the men's choice of clothing pale in comparison.

The club is one of the biggest, most popular and exclusive hangout place for the young and rich. The three storey building could accommodate up to couple of hundreds from the ground floor to the second meanwhile the third floor is where the two VIP rooms and the owner's office are situated at.

Abandoning his post, he walked leisurely towards the staircases that will take him to the third floor, occasionally bumping into drunk patrons and few ladies who tried to get his attention. Ignoring the suggestive invitation with a smirk he continues walking.

He walked into one of the VIP room to be greeted by loud cheers from his friends. Four good looking men focused on his face and he gave them a small smile.

"I thought you won't come tonight" the tallest man in the group spoke as soon as he took a seat with his back to the door.
"It's our Hunnie birthday, of course I'll come. But why here of all places. Jeez we came here for everybody's birthdays as if there is no other place in town" he sounded bored and accept the glass containing the hard liquor from the said birthday boy.

"Well this is after all the best nightclub in town. This club doesn't condone drug dealings and prostitution here. And probably the only nightclub our parents approved of" the eldest of the group spoke in his usual calm way.

"I need to get laid, and it's hard finding a girl out here" he heard the door opened but continues with his sentence not caring about the person who just walked in.
"The owner should at least provide escorts or something for VIPs"

"Sorry to disappoint you. This owner prefer to have clean slate on her name and place of business" The gorgeous newcomer walks slowly and took a seat next to him smiling to the rest of the room occupants.

Turning towards him, she smirk and spoke in a condescending way that make him feel like strangling her.
"If you go out there on the dance floor, buy some pretty girls a drink and whispers sweet nothing, pretty sure one or two would part their legs happily for you. But alas, you're scared of the morning after"

The group laugh loudly unbothered by the murderous look that he thrown at them.
"Kai, just accept it. You'll never win against Naeun. She knows you like the back of her hand. Probably better." Byun Baekhyun declares.

Kai stare at each of his friends faces and think of how their friendship lasted for so long when they barely have anything in common except for being rich and heirs.

Suho the eldest of the group is heir to of one of the biggest accounting firms in Seoul. He doubled the company's revenues last year after taking over from his old man.

Park Chanyeol is the heir of a famous food chain restaurants, no signs of him taking over that side of the family business. He owned a building where he opened a musical instrument store on the ground floor and a music studio on the second floor. Tallest and one of the handsomest of the group, super talented too.

Next to him is Byun Baekhyun heir of few affluent shopping malls but preferred leaving his older brother to handle the family business while he runs his own fashion brands.

The Maknae of the group Oh Sehun, shy and quiet but can be ruthless when it comes to business. He and his brother have taken over the Hotel chains their father left them early this year. It's Sehun's 27th birthday they're celebrating tonight.

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