Chapter 11

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Kai was about to go upstairs and call Naeun for lunch when he saw her walking down the stairs. He waited for her at the foot of the stairs and held out his hand which she took with a smile, squeezing it for a moment before letting it go.

She didn't have appetite but force herself to eat in order not to worry Mama Kim. She saw the way Mama Kim looked at her and Kai but Mama Kim didn't say a word until they finished with their lunch and were sitting comfortably in the living room.

"Naeun, Jongin. I know you both are still in shock, but you need to let Naeun parents know and starts to plan what you are going to do" Mrs Kim watched their facial expressions when she spoke. When the youngsters didn't speak she sighed and stood up before telling them to discuss it among themselves and left to go upstairs.

"Nangni, want to go out to the park? The weather looks good." They need to talk privately and he couldn't think of any other place.
"Sure. Let me get my bag and we can be on our way." She stood up and went to get her hand bag that she left in his room. Taking the plastic bag containing her vitamins and medicines with her and shoved it inside her hand bag and walked outside to where he is waiting in his car.

They walk into one of the cafe with the view of the park and the river in front. A lot of people at the park since it was a Sunday. They can see young couples walking holding hands and few families with kids running around. Naeun smile seeing a boy about the age of three running happily towards her without looking and bumped into her legs. She went down to her knees to check on the boy who is now on the floor. Kai who was getting their coffee orders from the counter didn't see what was going on behind him.

"Are you okay darling?" She asked concerned.
The boy stood up and gave her a toothy smile when she heard a woman's voice calling the boy's name. Looking up Naeun was surprised to see Park Chorong, Kai's personal assistant.

Chorong bowed and apologised to Naeun. Bending down to look at the boy and asked him to apologise too.
"I'm sorry." The boy spoke in his baby voice.
"Jun you shouldn't be running around like that." Chorong admonished the boy.
"Sorry mama. Jun saw a butterfly. Jun want to catch it." The boy explained with the limited vocabulary he possessed.
"It's okay baby. Mama just want you to be careful of your surroundings." Chorong hug the boy close to her.

Naeun stare at the boy and Chorong stupefied, she didn't know Park Chorong is married and have a son. Kai was walking towards her with their coffees when he noticed Park Chorong.
"Rong noona, nice to see you here. Who is this cute boy?" He asked seeing the boy holding onto Chorong's hand.
"Jun meet mama's boss. Mr Kim , this is my son Ha-Jun." Park Chorong seems hesitant despite the smile that she gave the couple in front her. The boy bowed at Kai and pulled his mother's hand and whispered loudly asking his mother to leave and play making the adults laugh.
"I'm sorry Mr Kim, Miss Naeun. I'll leave first."
Chorong bowed slightly and turned holding her son's hand and walked away.

"I didn't know your assistant was married." Naeun remarked as soon as they took a seat facing the river.
"Honestly I didn't know too. She never talks about her personal lives." Kai said sipping his iced latte.
Naeun nodded and stare at the clear blue skies, the air smells so fresh and make her smile.
"Her son is so cute. I wonder how it will be to have a son." Her hands unconsciously went to her stomach protectively. He almost choked on his iced latte hearing her words. Naeun chuckles and move her head to focus her gaze on him.

"Jongin, I'm keeping the baby. Abortion is something I don't think I could do. You can decide whether you want to be a part of the baby's life or not, I would respect your decision" voicing out what she have been thinking the whole day after hearing the news from the doctor. She is still unsure about how she would handle her busy life at the club and pregnancy but she is sure that she would be able to if she sets her mind to it.

He was quiet trying to take in her statement. She knew him all their life and to think she is questioning his loyalty and sense of responsibility made him angry.
"What's your take on marriage?" He asked when he felt he could discuss this with her without getting angry. She stare at him goggle-eyed and mouth agape before laughing.
"What's with the question. I would like to marry someday but to someone who loves me" she paused and took a sip of her coffee before speaking again.
"There is no need for us to get married just because I happen to be pregnant you know."

He stare at her and smirk. Clearly unimpressed.
"Do you really think our parents would be okay with it? You're the eldest child and I'm the only son of my family. Can you positively say they will let us have the baby without signing the marriage certificate?"

"It's our life and happiness. If we insisted and be firm, there is nothing they could do. I'm the one who is pregnant for god's sake."

He could hear the frustrations in her voice and didn't want to cause her more stress but they need to resolve this matter among them before informing their parents of their decisions.
"Nangni, why can't you marry me? We know each other so well. I'm sure we can make marriage works. Beside I want my child to have both parents instead of being passed around."
"Jongin marriage without love as a foundation is just disaster in waiting. What if you fall in love with someone someday? Or I found someone I want to be with, what do we do then?"
"But I do love you Nangni."
"As a friend" she cuts in.
He pulled his hair in vexation, it's hard talking to Naeun when she have made up her mind. She combed his hair with her hand and smile at him sweetly.

"Jongin you're the nicest man and any woman would be proud to be your wife but me."
"But you can be the mother of my child? Come on Nangni, why can't we give it a try?"
She hold his face with her hand and gaze into his eyes hoping for understanding. He sighed and she gave him another smile before pulling back her hand and stare into the horizon.

"Could you drop me off at my parents house? I need to tell them the news and get my car." She said as they walked side by side to his car.
"Good luck in convincing them. Jeez how am I going to tell my mom that we decided to raise a child without getting married." She smile hearing the worried note in voice. Kai is the kind of man that cares for his family and friends around him, the circumstances they're in now must be a horrible experience for him.

Kai offered to come in with her when they arrived at her parents house but she rejected it thinking it's easier to convince her parents without him.

She expected her parents to be upset but not the disappointment in her dad's face or her mother to actually weep when she told them of her pregnancy.

"You are going to marry the baby's father." Her father determined without even asking her who it was.
"But dad, we don't love each other and have decided to raise the baby without getting married." She protested.
"Some marriage are build without love and going fine. Love doesn't guarantee a lasting relationship." Her mother injected her opinion.
"But mom"
"I don't care. You are going to get married and that's the end of this discussion." Her father stood up and left her with her mother.
"Mom please tell dad I can't possibly marry Jongin. We are just friends" she tried to get help and sympathy from her mother.
"Is Kim Jongin the father of your baby?!"
"Mom, so what if he is. I won't marry him."

"We are talking about the future heir of two families here Naeun. Our good name and theirs. You cannot be selfish." Her mother tried to reason with her and she is getting swayed.
"Jongin and I are adults mom. Nobody can force us to do anything against our will."
"Son Naeun being an adult also means you have to be responsible for your actions. You've made your bed now you have to lie in it. Remember it is not only about you two but also the baby and both families name. We are not some common people. We have our status and company name to think of."

Naeun wanted to pull her hair in frustration but kept her composures. Her mother is correct and she couldn't disagree with her.
"I will give you tonight to think thoroughly. We will meet with the Kims tomorrow night." Her mother declared before leaving her alone and went upstairs.

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