Chapter 23

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Krystal's home

Jessica Jung pressed on the doorbell for several times. She was worried for her younger sister Krystal after a text message she received this morning.

When no one answered the door, Jessica decided to punched in the passwords and walked into the dark apartment slowly.

The sight that meets her wasn't pretty. There were broken picture frames on the floor, shards of glass all around the living room, the television set in shambles and no sign of Krystal.

Jessica anxiously walked towards the bedroom door and opened it slowly. The bedroom looked worse than the living room. There were pictures strewn all over, more broken frames, torn magazines and few tumbled down furnitures.

It was one big mess and Krystal was sitting in the middle of it all , hugging her knees with her head bend.

"Krys, are you alright?" Jessica asked as she carefully took a step towards Krystal.

Krystal lift her head and give Jessica a creepy smile that left shivers down Jessica's back.
"Of course I'm okay Eonnie. Why wouldn't I be?"

Jessica's eyes moved around the room before stopping to stare at Krystal's face. Holding out her right hand to touch Krystal's shoulder lightly.

"Would you like to go to Eonnie's place?" Jessica asked hesitantly. Knowing full well Krystal's mood could changed drastically if provoked.

Krystal's marriage wasn't the fairytale she wanted. Her husband tortured her mentally and physically after her honeymoon which left Krystal this messed up.

Krystal finally had courage to file for divorce and left her husband in the U.S. Coming back to Korea to try and win Kim Kai back. But the news of the engagement must have triggered Krystal's mental health issues. Jessica stare at her sister pitifully.

"Krys, he moved on. Why don't you go back to mom and dad? Hmm?" Jessica kept her tone soft, trying to reason with Krystal.

"No! He is mine. That bitch must've done something. I know she have feelings for Kai even when I was dating him. I must get my Kai back!" Krystal screamed and reached for a book near her and hurled it across the room.

Jessica flinched at the outburst and try to hold on to Krystal. But Krystal violently shook her body and managed to push Jessica from her.

Krystal hands reaching for anything near her and throwing the stuffs around. She got hold of a shard of broken glass and hold on to it tightly until her hand bleeds.

Jessica cried and coaxed Krystal to let the glass go to no avail. Krystal is laughing like a maniac and Jessica feel helpless seeing her thus.

"I want Kai back!!" Krystal shouted.

"Ok. Eonnie will help you. Please Krystal. Let go of that. Please darling." Jessica beg with tears running down her cheeks.

"I want Kai back. I just want Kai." Krystal repeated the sentence over and over, her hold on the glass loosened and it fell to the carpet noiselessly.

Jessica hugged Krystal and whispered softly.
"I will get him for you. Promise."

Few days later

Krystal have moved in to Jessica's home and seems to get better compared to before. Jessica felt relieved seeing her sister smiling and not throwing tantrums. But she knew in her heart it was all because of the hope she has given to Krystal.

The plans Jessica have set in motion have to work. She wants her sister to get better and if it means getting her hands dirty then so be it.

"Eonnie, why are you smiling?" Krystal asked softly, snapping Jessica out of her reverie.

"Well, I found out why Kai need to marry that girl. And a way for us to get rid of her from his life." Jessica smiles and held Krystal's hand tightly before informing Krystal about Naeun's pregnancy and the plans she made.

"I knew it. Kai didn't love her. That bitch trapped him. He loves me. Thank you Eonnie." Krystal smile brightly.

Jessica grinned pand caressed Krystal's hair.
"Don't thank me just yet. I need you to take care of yourself and show Kai the beautiful you he loved. Don't do anything that could harm yourself. Hmm?"

"Promise Eonnie. I will get better. I just want Kai back with me."

"And I want you to meet a psychiatrist. Dr Kim MyungSoo. He will help you get better."

Krystal smile dropped. Her eyes staring at Jessica's face with an intensity that scares Jessica.

"Krys, you want Kai back right? You need to be well and healthy to do so. Please?" Jessica begged, her hand holding Krystal's face.

Krystal's face softened, a smile curved making Jessica feels like the old Krystal is back.

"I will do what you want me to Eonnie. Thank you for helping me get Kai back."

Writer's Note: I love Jung sisters 🥰🥰 Krystal is so pretty, I need another K drama starring her and MyungSoo (L)

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Writer's Note: I love Jung sisters 🥰🥰 Krystal is so pretty, I need another K drama starring her and MyungSoo (L) . I dropped the drama they were in with Rain becoz I kinda guessed the plot.

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