Chapter 22

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Few days later

Naeun came out of the fitting room showing her mother and Mama Kim the simple black dress that caught her eyes. This should be perfect for engagement party. Beside it is for close friends and family only.

"The dress is pretty, but why don't you try this white dress on

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"The dress is pretty, but why don't you try this white dress on. I think it is more fitting for an engagement dinner party. Don't you think so Eonnie?" Mrs Son asked Mrs Kim.

"Let's ask Naeun to try it on first. And we can decide later which look better on her. Naeun?" Mrs Kim spoke while holding another white dress.

Naeun have no choice but to change and come out again showing off the other dress.

Pic crto (this writer like Naeun in black, but the second dress looked so elegant and accentuate her attractive figure

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Pic crto (this writer like Naeun in black, but the second dress looked so elegant and accentuate her attractive figure. Got to agree with the mothers choice 😁)

"Perfect. I think you should get this dress for the engagement party." Mrs Kim said with a big smile, her eyes staring at Naeun from top to toe adoringly.

Mrs Son have a proud smile on her own face. Seeing her eldest daughter preparing for engagement and wedding made her tear up a bit.

"We're all agreed on this dress then." Mrs Son spoke before calling the boutique assistant to help and pack the chosen dress for Naeun and few more dresses she and Mrs Kim have chosen for themselves.

Naeun went back inside the fitting room and change to her own clothes. She is having an afternoon out with her mother and Mama Kim for her engagement preparation.

"Naeun, your engagement announcement are coming out on today's newspapers. Several websites will be publishing it too." Mrs Kim announced as they walked out of the boutique with their purchases.

Naeun nodded and didn't speak, letting her elders to speak amongst themselves. The shopping spree is making her feel extra tired and was glad when both mothers agreed on having lunch at a nearby cafe.

"How is your relationship with Jongin?" Mrs Kim asked after the waitress was done taking their orders.

Naeun was surprised, pink tint her cheeks before she answered softly.

"All are good Mama Kim. We planned about me moving to his place after the wedding."

"Good to hear that. He loves you that silly boy. I'm glad you both decided to get married and keep my grandchild." Mrs Kim express earnestly before chuckling.

"Our grandchild." Mrs Son cuts in and chuckled along.

Naeun stare at her elders happy faces and smile shyly. Kai and her have such an amazing support from their parents. Alway being there for them and how lucky they are to be loved like this.

"I love you both." Naeun declared.

Both mothers stop their chatter to gaze at Naeun's face and smile indulgently.

Naeun parted ways with her mother and Mama Kim after their lunch and drove to the doctor's office for her appointment.

Kai was already waiting for Naeun at the clinic's waiting room. Naeun walked slowly towards him, admiring his handsome side profile before clearing her throat to let her presence known to him.

 Naeun walked slowly towards him, admiring his handsome side profile before clearing her throat to let her presence known to him

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*writer's note: Jongin with rolled up sleeves will be the death of me.

"You didn't have to come today. I know how busy you are." Naeun spoke as she took a seat next to him after giving her appointment card to the attending nurse at the counter.

"Nangni darling, I want to be here. Honestly you can't stop me from taking part in our baby's life. From this moment on." He said with a wide smile upon his face.

Naeun chuckles hearing his promise. Kim Jongin is the most caring man she have ever known, and she is happy that he will soon be hers.

Kai walked behind Naeun into the doctor's office and smile warmly at the doctor.

"Doctor Kim Namjoo, meet my future husband Mr Kim Kai." Naeun introduced Kai to Dr Kim as soon they were seated in front door f the doctor.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you Mr Kim. Good to see partners that joined for doctor's appointments."

Dr Kim smile brightly after the brief introductions and focused on Son Naeun. Asking how Naeun is feeling, if there's signs of dizziness or morning sickness symptoms and jotting Naeun's answers on her notes.

"So today we will check your blood pressure and hemoglobin level. After that we will take an ultrasound and see how's your baby doing inside. Is that okay with you both?" Dr Kim asked with a smile.

Everything went smoothly with the doctor's appointment. A copy of the baby first ultrasound pictures was given to Kai and Naeun which they received happily.

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