Chapter 17

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Kai PoV

He was shocked when his assistant Chorong told him that a Mrs Krystal came to the office to meet him without appointment. Not wanting to make any scene he asked Chorong to invite Krystal in.

"Why are you here Krystal?" He asked as soon as Park Chorong closes the door to his office. Krystal got near to him and answered shortly.
"I miss you"
"It's been a year. And you are a married woman now. Stop with your nonsense Krystal." Kai can see that Krystal wasn't happy with his words and got closer to him.
"Kim Kai, don't you miss me? We love each other so much. I want us back." Krystal have placed her hands on his chest as she spoke the words.

Kai stare at her beautiful face and was relieved when he find that he have no feelings for Krystal anymore. No love or hate just nothing.Pulling her hands of his chest, he distanced himself from her and spoke softly.
"You left me to marry a man twice your age because he offered you more wealth. What is there to miss Krystal? Go back to your husband."
"But I love you and you love me too. I'm not happy Kai." Krystal stare at him with tears in her eyes. Kai laughed at her ridiculous reasoning.
"I thought you said his wealth will make you happy. And for your information I don't love you anymore. There's someone else that I love."

Krystal face change when she heard him spoke about having someone else. She walk towards Kai and hug him tight.
"No. You loved me. I know you have no one after me. Kai don't lie. We can make us happen again."
"Krystal please behave. Us is over." Kai hold her arms and pushes Krystal away from him.

There was a light knock on the door before Park Chorong opened the door.
"Sorry to disturb you Mr Kim. I need to head home first. There is a family emergency."

Kai glanced at his wall clock and realised it's already over office hours and stare at his assistant worried face before allowing her to leave for home.

Park Chorong closed the door as Kai turned to speak to Krystal in a firmer tones.
"We are over. Please leave my office and I hope you can find your happiness." He turned and arranged his papers before putting it in his briefcase along with his laptop. Krystal stomped her feet and walked out of his office.

He was walking out when he saw Krystal waiting for him in front of the floor's main door. Sighing he walks passed Krystal ignoring her, when Krystal suddenly linked her hands in his arms and pushes the door opened.

Kai wasn't aware that Naeun was standing outside the door. The first thing he saw was her crestfallen face before she got a hold of her emotions. And like the fool he is  he asked her why she was there.

He watched her back dumbfounded before getting a hold of himself and turned to glare at Krystal.
"You are nothing in my life. Don't ever come near me ever again."
Leaving Krystal and Choi Aera to stare at him clearly astounded by his outburst. Kai went after Naeun who have gotten inside the elevator. Cursing, Kai punches the down button in exasperation before another elevator door opens up and he got in it.

Kai searches the lobby for Naeun but she was nowhere to be seen. Walking to the security personnel, he questioned them if they have seen her. One of the man told him that she left with Miss Park just a few minutes before he came down. Mumbling curses to himself, he searched his pockets for his cellphone and call Naeun. When she didn't answer his calls he press the screen looking for Park Chorong numbers and dialled it right away.

"Rong noona, do you know where Naeun went?" He asked as soon as he heard Chorong soft hello.
"She's driving now. I'm with her Sir."
"Noona can you tell me where you are heading to?" He heard Chorong asking Naeun where she is driving to but couldn't hear Naeun's answer.
"Mr Kim, Miss Naeun asked me to tell you not to worry and she will call you later. I have to go Sir."

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