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"Ready?" He asked when he saw her hesitating to walk into the clinic. Naeun took a deep breath and nod her head and step into the clinic without sparing him a glance.

It was quiet in the clinic, no one was around except for them. Kai walked to the reception area and asked the nurse for the appointment under Naeun's name which his mother have made this morning. The nurse nodded and ask him and Naeun to take a seat and that the doctor will attend to them shortly.

They stood up when the nurse called her name to enter the doctor's room. Kai didn't go in with her as she asked him not to.

Naeun took a seat in front of the female doctor after passing hhthe note the Kim's family doctor wrote last night. The doctor read the note and looked up to Naeun when she was done before introducing herself as Dr Kim Namjoo.

The young doctor smile and asked Naeun how she is feeling today. Satisfied with her answer, Dr Kim explained that they will take her blood pressure before withdrawing some blood as regular procedure. Naeun nodded her consent. When the doctor was done with that she called her nurse to take the blood to the labs.

"Your blood pressure is in the normal range even though it is still a bit low. You would probably feel a bit dizzy or light headed if it goes lower."
Naeun focused on the doctor's words and didn't speak trying to absorb the information given.
"The doctor that handled your case last night remarked here in his note that he suspects diets or pregnancy as cause of your low blood pressure and low blood sugar levels. So we need to take your urine sample for a pregnancy test while waiting for the blood test results." Dr Kim took a sample bottle from behind her desk and gave it to Naeun with instructions to her nurse to escort Naeun to the toilet to do the pregnancy test.

Naeun came back to the doctor's room after she was done giving the sample to the nurse and asked the doctor something that have been bothering her.
"Doctor, I took the morning after pills. Why is there still a possibility of pregnancy?"
"The pills doesn't have hundred percent success rate especially if the ovulation have taken place. And there are some women who actually vomited after they took the pills as after effect before the pill could do it's work." Explained Doctor Kim to Naeun in details. Naeun remembered how nauseous she felt after taking the first pill and vomited afterwards. Her eyes widen when realisation hits her that she could truly be pregnant.

The nurse came back with the tester and shown Dr Kim the two red lines. Naeun can feel her heart beats wildly even before the doctor confirmed that she is pregnant. She stare at the doctor with wide eyes and answered the doctor's questions about her last menstrual period and regularity still in daze.

Dr Kim wrote down the informations given to her and advised Naeun to comeback next month for another check up and handed Naeun her vitamins prescription. Dr Kim told her that her blood report came back normal except for her low red blood cells and told the nurse to give her the pamphlet on pregnancy and dietary needs for pregnant women. She accepted the slip and thanked Dr Kim before walking out of the doctor's room.

Kai dashed to her side and took the prescriptions slip from her hand and went to the counter for her medicines and pay the bills. He accepted the medicines and the pamphlets from the nurse, astounded by the pamphlet header.
"It will be good for both of you to read this pamphlet. The informations young parents to be needs are all there. And congratulations" the nurse informed him with a smile.

Kai walked out of the door and stare at Naeun looking like a lifeless mannequin standing under the sun next to his car. She appears to be spacing out and he didn't know how to approach her when he himself is unsure about how to proceed with the situation.

"Nangni, let's go." He spoke softly not to scare her.
"Huh. Oh okay." She looked at him with distracted eyes and got into the car.

"Nangni, what did the doctor told you?" He asked her when they arrived in front of his parents house. She looked at the house before turning towards him with small smile that barely reach her eyes.
"She said I'm pregnant. And I should take my vitamins and take care of my dietary needs since I'm still in early stages of pregnancy." Her gaze went back to the house after the little information.
"Do you want me to tell our parents?" He asked for her opinion still trying to read her facial expressions.
"Your mom guessed it. I don't see the point of keeping this from them." She answered without looking at him. He wanted to ask more questions but he didn't think she could take it and decided to keep quiet and went out of the car instead.

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