Chapter 9

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Once they were outside of the room, Mrs Kim didn't speak and kept pulling her son downstairs. In the living room he saw Mrs Son worried face.
"Jongin, Naeun will sleep in your room tonight. She is weak and couldn't go home with her parents." Mrs Kim explained to her son. Kai nodded before Mrs Son looked at him and asked in serious tones.
"Did Naeun told you anything about having a boyfriend?"
He didn't know how to answer the question and decided to just shake his head.
"I know she is an adult, but how could she be so careless. Eonnie what do I do?" Mrs Son turned to the older woman asking for guidance.
"It's not confirmed yet. Calm down and let her rest here. Jongin will go to the clinic with her tomorrow. You and her dad should go home and rest and don't worry too much" Mrs Kim spoke in a calm and soft voice. Kai just stood there not knowing what to do.

His mother pass him the package containing the medicines and instructions before walking out with Mrs Son. Kai went back upstairs with a bottle of water, glass and the medicines.

Naeun have placed the tray on his bedside table and was playing with the legos his niece and nephew left in his room earlier, Kai glanced at the bowl satisfied that she finished almost all of the soup. He sat next to her and poured her a glass water before he gave her the medicines according to the instructions on the packaging. Without a single word, she took the pills and swallowed them with water. Once she was done, she placed the glass next to the soup bowl and stare at him with a smile.

"Why are you smiling?" He asked her when she didn't speak.
"I was just thinking, how you were always there for me when I'm sick, down or depressed. I didn't think I ever say thank you." He smile back at her before speaking.
"Did I ever thank you?"
She chuckles and shake her head. He is glad that there is a bit of colour on her cheeks compared to few moments ago.
"We don't say 'I care for you' and gratitude enough to the person that is with us the longest. Maybe because we are so comfortable with each other that we assume the other person knows how we feel."
She nodded her head agreeing with his words and took a deep breath before asking him in a small voice.
"Are you worried about the prospect of me being pregnant with your baby?"
He was silent for a moment before he move his hand to intertwined their fingers.
"No I'm not. I'm more worried of the possibility of you having a disease. I don't want you to be sick Nangni." He tightened his hold on her fingers briefly.

They stare at each other's eyes and broke contact when they heard a soft knock on the door. His mother went in holding a nightgown with a smile on her face. She gave Naeun the nightgown and asked her to change into those so she can sleep more comfortably.
"Thank you mama Kim and I'm sorry I made you all worried about me."
"Naeun you're like a daughter to me. There's no need for thank you among us. As for making me worried, it wasn't intentional. I just need you to see the doctor tomorrow and you'll see all will be fine." Mrs Kim caress Naeun's hair as she said that in her caring motherly voice. Turning to face her son she spoke firmly.
"And you Jongin is going to sleep in the living room tonight."
"But mom, Naeun need someone to accompany her. I'll sleep on the floor."
"No you are not going to sleep here. What would people say Jongin? Come on let Naeun's hand go and leave her to change and get a rest." His mother was adamant about him sleeping away from Naeun so he had no choice but to let her hand go and stood up. His mother bid Naeun good night and turned to leave.
"Good night and if you need anything shout for me." He said before kissing her forehead. She blushed and said good night to him softly. He didn't notice that his mother saw everything.

He walked out of the room and closes the door slowly and turned to see his mother smiling face.
"Is there anything I need to know?" She asked softly.
"Mom can I get a blanket from your room since you asked me to sleep downstairs on the cold sofa." He tried to evade the question she thrown at him but seeing the smile on his mother's face, he knows it's useless. His mother went to her room and gotten him a blanket and a pillow and followed him downstairs.

Kai sat down on the sofa and waited for his mother to speak and he didn't have to wait long.
"You are both adults. I don't know what happened between you two but if there's a future grandchild of mine involved, I hope you two would make the best decisions for the sake of the baby. Do you understand me Jongin?" There was a firmness in her words and tone of voice.
"Stop assuming things and go to bed. You will have more wrinkles if you worry too much." He said playfully trying to ease the tensions. His mother glare at him before climbing up the stairs to her room. He sigh and lay down on the sofa and fell asleep not long after.

The following day

Kai woke up with a start when he felt a small body jumped on top of his legs.
"Kai-chon wake up. Why are you sleeping here?" Raeon shouted at him. Kai smile and pulled his nephew for a big hug and tickles the boy. He stood up slowly with Raeon on his back and took the boy upstairs laughing and teasing.

He knocked on the door before walking in. Putting down Raeon on the floor he searched around the room for Naeun.
"Kai-chon, aunt Naeun is not here. She's in the kitchen with granny." Raeon spoke while walking into the room and picked up the legos from last night from the bedside table. He nodded and asked Raeon to stay put while he went to the bathroom for a quick shower.

Kai took Raeon back downstairs when he was done and went to the kitchen after leaving the boy with Rahee in the living room and their father. He saw her sitting on the chair at the kitchen table clothed in last night's dress and smile when their eyes met.
"Breakfast?" She asked him when he took a seat next to her.
"Just chocolate milk if there's any."
She stood up and made him a mug of chocolate while his eyes search the kitchen for his mother.
"Where's mom?" He asked when she came back to the table with his mug of hot chocolate.
"She was here a moment ago. Jung-ah Eonnie called her to ask for assistance with the baby and she went upstairs I think" satisfied with Naeun's answer, Kai asked how she is feeling that morning and she smiles and told him not to worry as she feels fine. Nodding his head, he asked her if his mother said anything to her before taking a sip of the hot chocolate.
"Mama Kim didn't say anything. She just told me to go to the clinic with you and tell her the results later. She seems preoccupied. Why?"
"Nothing. Which clinic should we go to?" He asked her softly.
"Your mother passed me this doctor name card earlier. She made an appointment for me." She answered and gave him the name card. He took it from her and read it briefly before putting it inside his shirt pocket.
"Would you like to go now?"
"Can we stop by my place first so I can change?"

They went out to the living room and saw his mother walking down the staircase with Jungah's baby in her arms.
"Mom, we will leave first." Kai informed his mother.
"Take care of Naeun. And don't forget to call her parents and me later for the results." Mrs Kim paused before turning her attention to Naeun.
"Don't stress yourself. Whatever the results are, we are here for you." Mrs Kim voiced softly and gave Naeun a reassuring smile. Naeun nodded and thanked Mrs Kim before walking out of the house with Kai holding her arm protectively.

Kai waited for Naeun inside his car suddenly nervous. Naeun have went up to her apartment to change her clothes and he was left with nothing to do but think about what he should do if she is truly pregnant. He would marry her of course, he couldn't abandon her and his baby. But does he love her? Is the baby enough to build a foundation called marriage?

Naeun walked back to his car and took a seat next to him stopping his trains of thoughts. He drove to the clinic without words. They were both silent until they reached their destination.

Writer's Note: happy 10th anniversary Apink and Pandas. Please give my girls lots of support ❤️❤️

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