Chapter 15

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"I'm nervous." Naeun hesitated in front of the private dining room door and stare at him.
"It's okay Nangni, I'm here." Taking her hand, he holds it firmly and knocked with his other hand. Sliding the door open, he pulled her into the room behind him.

Kai took a seat on his father's left who is sitting at the end while Naeun took a seat next to him on her father's right who sat opposite Mr Kim. Their mothers facing them with a serious stare.

"I'm sorry we were late" Kai opened up to speak first when no one in the room spoke.
"We will eat dinner first before discussing anything." Mr Kim said.

Kai and Naeun was quiet the entire time during dinner and just let their parents talk amongst themselves. Kai noticed the way Naeun was playing with her rice, putting down his chopsticks he held her hand under the table momentarily. Naeun looked up and gave him a reassuring smile.

"I heard a news this morning, care to enlighten us Jongin?" Mr Kim spoke when the waitresses have walked out of the room after clearing their table.
Kai was startled by the sudden question and cleared his throat nervously when all eyes in the room was focused on him except for Naeun.

"Dad, Mom, uncle and auntie. Naeun and I are expecting a baby. And we have decided on keeping the baby." Kai words stumbled a bit during his last sentence when he saw the look his mother gave him.
She look ready to strangle him in exasperation.
"So what do you plan to do next? Both of you." Mrs Son spoke softly her gaze focused on Naeun.

"I apologise uncle, auntie if this situation is causing distress for the both of you" Kai gazes on Naeun's parents face and took a deep breath before adding in a confident voice "I would like to ask for Naeun's hands in marriage."

Both parents smile and spoke simultaneously in agreement with the prospect of marriage amongst the two and the unification of the two families. Smiling widely Mrs Kim stood up and hug Naeun while Mrs Son appeared to have tears in her eyes. Mr Kim's hand moved to Kai's shoulder and gave him a proud pat.

"So when is the wedding? We have to hold an engagement party and invite our friends." Mrs Son speaks to no one in particular sounding ecstatic. Naeun just kept quiet and held both her hands tight under the table.
"We will leave the planning to both of you." Kai said gazing at his mother and Mrs Son.
"Yes sure. We can talk about this in details again later. It's late. The kids need to rest." Mrs Kim said understanding the look her son is giving her.

Kai and Naeun stood outside of the restaurant sending their parents off into their respective cars before walking to Kai's car. Sighing heavily Naeun took a seat at the passenger seat and gazes at Kai who was about to get out of the parking space.

Kai was so confident talking to their parents and she felt thankful that it was him by her side. Her heart fluttered when he asked her parents for her hands in marriage even if they have discussed it beforehand and it made her worried. What if she truly is in love with him and he didn't return the feelings. Who is she lying to, she is in love with him.

Naeun was so lost in thoughts that she didn't realise they have arrived in front of his penthouse building.
Concerned about her, Kai decided to bring her to his place instead of sending her home.
"Nangni baby, we arrived."
"Huh, oh okay."
She walked out of the car unaware of her surroundings when Kai went to her side to hold her hand in his and lead her to the elevator.
"Are you okay?" He asked softly when they were inside the elevator.
"I'm fine. Just a tad tired."
"What did you do today? I called you several times and you didn't answer." 
"I was with Baekhyun Oppa." Naeun walked out of the elevator and went to his front door, waiting for him to punch in the password. He proceeded to tell her the password and remarked that since it seems like she will be spending more times here she better knows it.

"Why is the password numbers seems familiar?" She asked as soon they were inside.
"It's your birthday." He chuckles and pulled her into his embrace after his statement.
She looked up with puzzled face. Her hands on his waist.
"Why is my birthday set as the password?"
"Well my birthday would be too obvious to use as password. I always remember your birthday so" he left his sentence hanging to smile at her.

"What did you do with Baekhyun Hyung today?" He asked when they were inside his room.
"I did some photoshoots for his latest collection. He needed a model and I agreed." Naeun shrugged out of her coat.

Taking off his own jacket, Kai walks to the bathroom whistling a familiar tune making Naeun smile.

Kai smiles looking at her dressed in one of his baggy shirt, sitting on the edge of the bed with her left foot on top of her right. Her hands massaging her foot.

"You washed up." He stated seeing her face cleaned off makeup.
"I went and used the guest room's shower. I stole this shirt from your closet if you're wondering." She smiles, still massaging her feet.

He got closer to her and lifted her legs to place them on his laps and massaged them for her.
"You should slow down a bit considering your condition."

"I'm not showing yet and besides I don't think it's good for me not to do anything. It will be stressful and unhealthy." Naeun scrunched her nose at the thought of lazing around. Kai smile and pinched her cheek lightly.

"I didn't say not to do anything. I said to slow down.
Jeez am I going to be married to an idiot?" He said playfully and got a pinch on his waist from her.
"I thought of only doing the management side of the business for Marcella's and not to spend times there. But I will be bored."
"You can plan the wedding with our mothers to keep yourself occupied and maybe ask them how they keep themselves busy without working." He chuckles when she squinted her eyes upon hearing him.

"Come on Nangni, you can't possibly think of keeping your position at Marcella's after giving birth. You'll be Mrs Kim Jongin then, wouldn't want it be said I couldn't keep my wife's lifestyle."

He was just trying to joke with her about Marcella's, knowing full well the pride she took in her business. But seeing the murderous look she is sending him, he didn't think it was wise of him.

"What is so wrong about owning and running a club Mr Kim?" Her voice dripping with anger.
"Nangni, I was joking." He chuckles but her face didn't change.

Kai stopped massaging her legs and stare at Naeun's face closely. "I'm sorry. It was a bad joke." He move his hand to hold her face and smile hoping to be forgiven.

"Your humour sucks."
"Fine my humour sucks. I'm sorry." He kisses her nose lightly and smiled, relieved when she smile back.

"Marcella's is yours. You can decide whatever you want to do with it. I'll support you." He added.
"Says the person who was so sceptical and unsupportive when I first voiced out my plans to open a club." Smiling he pulled her to lie down next to him on the large bed.

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