Chapter 7

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Naeun woke up tired and disoriented, she didn't know what time she fell asleep but it was probably early morning when she did. Gathering her hair into one messy bun behind her back she look for her cellphone and realised her handbag is probably still in the living room. Standing up lazily she glanced at the wall clock, her eyes widen seeing the time. It's close to noon. She rushed to the bathroom for a quick shower before putting on a white singlet and short denim pants.

Naeun was nervous about meeting him and was glad he's not around when she went outside. Combing her hair with her left hand, she rummage her bag for her cellphone only to find it low on battery. Muttering a few curses, she place the cellphone back inside her bag and walks to the kitchen.

She blushed seeing the kitchen counter and the memories of what she did there last night.
"Son Naeun get a grasp. It didn't happen." She muttered to herself, so lost in thoughts that she didn't see him walking towards her.
"What didn't happen?
Naeun jumped a little when she heard his voice. She turned and glares at him showing her displeasure.
Ignoring him, she opened the refrigerator and took out a bottle of water before walking pass him. He follows behind her with a smirk and took a seat next to her in the living room.

"Can you sit further away from me" her voice sound annoyed as she uncapped the bottle and gradually drink the water.
"You woke up on the wrong side of the bed today?"
He asked undeterred by her mood still smirking.
"Whatever. I need to go home. I'll see you when I see you." standing up, she was about to make a move when he holds her hand pulling her back to her seat.

"We need to talk." Kai spoke firmly letting go of her hand before she could protest his actions. She kept quiet and waited for him to speak first.
"Nangni, in all my 27 years of knowing you. We never went beyond the boundaries of friendship. We crossed that last week and last night."
"I told you. We should just forget about it. Come on Jongin, as you said we never crossed the boundaries. We have no feelings for one another. We are just friends."
"Well, it's hard to casually forget when there's this sexual tensions between us." She opened her mouth to speak but he cut her off.
"Don't deny it. You said it last night, we're adults."
"So what do you want me to do? Should we just go ahead and be fuck buddies? Then what Jongin?"
He glares at her suddenly angry hearing her outburst. She met his glares with a glare of her own.

"This is just a temporary lusting on both our parts. If we acted upon it, nothing good will come out of it Jongin. I don't want to jeopardise our friendship. So let's just forget it. Please?" She spoke earnestly, her eyes softened and silently begging him. He agree with her and it seems to be the end of that discussion.

They were quiet for a while, both lost in their own thoughts before she excused herself to leave. Kai nodded and stood up watching her standing in front of the shoe rack. Turning around, Naeun smile prettily and he couldn't help but think if he could live never seeing her smiles again. He didn't think he could.

"Jongin, can I borrow your slippers? The stiletto doesn't go with my outfits." Shaking his head he walked to her side.
"You haven't given me back my slippers from last week and here you are asking for another one." She smile sheepishly seeing her two pairs of stilettos on his shoe racks.
"It wouldn't leave a dent on your bank accounts." She joked with a little smile accepting the slippers he handed her.
"And you could probably buy a share in those slippers factories if you choose to do so."
They smile amiably, both glad their comfortable camaraderie is back.

He kept replaying their conversations in his head long after she was gone when he got a call from his eldest sister Junghwa informing him of the party celebrating the new additon in the family early next month. That will be two weeks from now. It will be a small gathering of close friends and family meaning Naeun and her family will be there. He is excited to meet his family gather together especially since he have been so busy that he haven't had the chance to see his niece, nephew and Jungah son but he have this foreboding feeling something is going to happen.

Meanwhile Son Naeun who just arrived home, got herself ready and prepared to go out again when she received the invitation. She smiles and think of how adorable the baby would be. She's been wanting to visit Jungah and her newborn son but was told that Jungah and her family decided to recuperate at her in-laws home. Her cellphone rang and she hurriedly answer it and got out of her apartment.

"Saeun, I'm on my way now." She paused hearing her sister whines.
"Five minutes. Promise. Bye" she ended the call without waiting for Son Saeun answer.

She drove to the restaurant her sister is waiting for her at and smile when she saw her sister sitting near the window. She parked and went out, waving her hands happily at her sister who looked ready to eat her alive.

"Sorry baby. Eonnie woke up late." Naeun spoke as she gave her little sister a hug.
"I'm hungry and have been waiting for you." Son Saeun pouts cutely.

Both sisters inherited good looks from their mother and their height from their father. Few people stop and stare at the sisters which they ignore, used to the reactions beside Son Saeun is a famous female pro golfer that garnered quite an attention these couple of years.

They enjoyed their lunch date and conversation flow freely amongst the sisters. They talked about their careers and eventually got on the topic of men.
"I'm glad you broke up with that Lee Taemin. I heard rumours from my friends that he is such a playboy but I didn't want to hurt you by telling" Saeun spoke softly.
"I don't think I really love him anyway. It was just probably because I was lonely when he came to my life." Naeun sipped on her iced tea as she finished her confession.
"Yes, I thought so too. That was the time when I was busy touring for golf competitions and Kai oppa was dating Krystal right?" Saeun asked pushing her now empty lunch plate.
"Maybe." Naeun answer with a shrug of her shoulders.
"If I didn't know better. I would say it was because of Kai oppa. That was the first time he went serious with a girl and you decided one day to try and date when you never shown any interest before."
Saeun stare at Naeun with curious eyes trying to read Naeun's face for changes. Seeing none, Saeun smile sweetly towards Naeun before continuing.
"Don't you ever have feelings towards Kai oppa? He's a good looking, sexy and most importantly a caring man especially to you."

Naeun gave Saeun a hard stare before giving her answer.
"He was just a friend. Are you done? I need to go to the club."
"All done. Don't forget to book the VIP room for my friends and I." Saeun said all smiles before standing up. Naeun nodded and stood up to settle the bills and walked out of the restaurant with Saeun to her car.
"See you later. Don't forget to visit mom and dad." Naeun said to her sister as Saeun got in her own car.
Saeun started her car and closed the door watching Naeun standing on the side road. Saeun rolled down the window giving her sister last words before driving away.
"You said he was just a friend. Bye Eonnie."

Naeun stare at the road, Saeun's car no longer in sight. She was wondering why she said was when describing Kai earlier. If he wasn't a friend then what is he in her life?

Writer's Note: I don't know where this story is going 😂 please vote and comment 🙏🏽❤️
Sorry I made Precious Taeminie as a bad guy. Love you Lee Taemin and Taeun shippers 😘

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