Chapter 3

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She woke up with a headache, not moving her head she stare at the ceiling. It's unfamiliar but familiar at the same time. She's not making sense and she knew it. Must be the wine and the liquor she had at the club. She's a lightweight when it came to alcohol and often passed out with no recollection after a night of drinking. So she made sure to drink only with people she trusts.

She was about to move when she felt a kiss on her bare shoulder. She blinked several times thinking is this a dream. Not until she was pulled into a bear hug, she screams from the top of her lungs and sat up straight on the bed clutching the blanket close to her chest.

She turned around to see Kai blinking at her. His bronze skin shone beautifully in the morning light, hair disheveled and she could see his naked chest. She pulled the blanket away slightly and looked down on her naked self. Taking deep breaths she tried to remember how in the hell did she end up in bed with him.

Kai sat next to her, trying to access his memory too. He was pretty sure he went to his bedroom after she left to go inside the guest room. He looked around him, they are definitely inside his room.

"Nangni, why are we naked in my room?" He asked her truly puzzled.
"Shut up Jongin. Let me think how in the name of all that's holy am I here" she sound annoyed, unsure with him or the situation he kept quiet and try not to stare at her milky white shoulders and bare back. Her waist is so small he could measure around it with just his hands. Shaking his head to remind himself this is not just some random girl but Son Naeun his best friend of 27 years.

"Are you done thinking?" He asked her after few minutes of silence. Holding the blanket tightly on her chest she turned to face him. There's panic in her eyes.
"Jongin, I can't remember a thing. Do you?"
"I remembered stripping and going to bed."
She smacked his chest with the back of her hand obviously unhappy with his answer.
"Don't you remember anything after that?"
"Nope, nothing came to mind"
"We probably did nothing and just slept. Right?"
She is trying to make sense of the situation, so he could only nod in agreement.

Done assessing the situation in her head and happy that he agreed nothing happened, she now feel awkward.
"How does one get out of bed when they're naked and another person could see them?" She asked genuinely. He groaned and covered his face with his hand.

"Nangni, I'm going to stand up and get towels for us both. If you want to keep your modesty and our years of friendship, I suggest you close you eyes until I say you can open them" he didn't wait for her to respond and stood up immediately after his statement. He grabbed a bathing towel and put it on to cover him from waist down and brought another one for her to use.

He could see her eyes shut tightly, her teeth worriedly biting her lower lips and he couldn't help but smile at the sight. If it was some other girl, he would probably laugh in this situation and get his morning sex. But this is Son Naeun.

"You could open your eyes now"
"Are you decent?"
He chuckles, typical Son Naeun. She never trusts him.
"Yes. Come on Nangni, you need to get off my bed so we can talk"
She opened her right eye first, seeing he have the towel on she proceeded to open both her eyes wide and smile at him. He gave her the towel and turn around to give her some privacy.

"I'm done"

He turned back to face her. Still sitting on the bed, the white towel covering her from chest to mid thighs. Her long hair gathered to fall freely of her right shoulder and breast. He's got to admit it, she is a vision of beauty.

"Jongin, could we talk after we shower and have full clothes on?" her cheeks tinted pink and he can't remember when was the last time she blushed in his presence. Probably when they were in high school.

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