Chap 38 ~ Forgive and Sweet

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I went to bedroom when Yay told me that she want to talk something important with Lisa , but it's already an hour she didn't go to here . So I put L on her baby crib coz she sleeping , then I went out to backyard to see Lisa and Yay , but I just find Yay with red eyes and tears falling down.

" What happen Yay? Why are you cry? Where's Lisa? " I ask Yay while rubbing her back .

" She's just need fresh air outside dear , don't worry I'm okay . " Yay said after calm down .

" Why you crying Yay? " I ask again .

" Ahm , I told her something that I've been hiding for long time , I think she's hate me dear . " Yay said sadly .

" No , I know she can't hate you Yay , I think she just mad or disappointed at you , coz you hiding something to her , which I don't know what is it . " I said then Yay nodded .


It's been 3 hours since Yay told me Lisa is went outside to get fresh air , and now it's cloudy it's going rain soon but she still doesn't back home .

" Where are you? " I whispered worriedly tho she can't hear me .

21 minutes later .

' shit it's raining , where the fuck is she? '

An hour later .

' what the hell , she hasn't come home , is she alright? Nothing happened to her right? '  I stay in front of the door house and I fucking shivering for I don't know how long , I worried at Lisa .

The rain is getting heavier than half hour ago . Then I see her driving Bee closer to my direction while soaking wet coz of the rain , then she seems surprised looking at me who waiting her .

" Where are you going? You made us worried Lili . " I said not notice that I already crying in front of her then I hug her wet body tightly .

" I'm s-sorry Nini , w-why you waiting me out-outside? It's s-so co-cold here . " She said whit trembling voice , her body so cold and shaking .

" I'm so worried at you , I waiting for you for God know how long . I don't care if here is cold , hot , raining , or snowing , I'll waiting for you no matter what . You're the one who's trembling now , let's go inside I'll make you hot tea , and I'll prepare warm bath for you . " I said then drag her inside without wait her answer .

I then prepare warm bath for her and help her take off her wet clothes , she didn't protest or something . Then I let her finish it herself and make a hot tea for her in kitchen .

" Lisa is home already? " Yay ask make me surprised .

" Aigoo kkamjjagiyaaa , ahh yes she is , she take a warm bath Yay . " I said then she nodded .

" Is she told you something? " She ask .

" No , she isn't , yet . " I said then she sigh and nodded after that .

" Don't force her to tell you RJ , it's hard for her I know . " Yay said and I nodded.

" Of course Yay , like what she did to me back then . She never force me to tell her all if I wasn't ready yet . " I said give her smile which she replied it with sad smile .

" Good to hear , and thank you for taking  care of her . " Yay said softly .

" It's my duty as her girlfriend Yay . " I said then both of us chuckled.

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