Chap 22 ~ Marry You and Talk to me

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" They are here . " Lisa said to Jisoo make her more nervous.

" Whatt? Ohmyygodd . " Jisoo said while fidgeting her fingers.

" Chuu , calm down . You don't want ruin your proposal day do you? " Lisa said try to calm Jisoo down .

" Of course I don't want ruin it . Okay huftt Im ready. " Jisoo said trying to calm down.

" Okay I'm done inform them to going in . So prepare , act cool okay . " Lisa said to Jisoo

" Here we go . " Jisoo said while smiling. Their parents just waiting and watching them from kitchen. Few minutes later they walk into restaurant , Jisoo and Lisa looking their love live in awe.

' Ohh Woww. ' they both thought in their own mind. In other side Jennie and Chaeyoung looking both of them in admiration.

' ghadddd why she have to be this gorgeous ' Chaeng thought.

' ohh whatt theee, I never saw her in a dress , she so elegant , beautiful , and gorgeous as fuck

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' ohh whatt theee, I never saw her in a dress , she so elegant , beautiful , and gorgeous as fuck . ' Jennie thought. She's not innocent as we thought , she is badass , cool , bratt , boss bitch , smart , and swag . She just never show it to this new family coz she didn't see why she have to act like that.

" Heyyy you you guys are drooling. " Seulgi says not just refering to Lisa and Jisoo but to Chaeyoung and Jennie too.

" We're not . " 4 of them say in unison make Yay , Seulgi and Irene laughing.

" Haistt , let's just sit there . " Jisoo said then pointing to three table , each table with 4 chairs that she and Lisa decors yesterday.

They then sit there , Lisa helping Jennie to sit while Jisoo helping Chaeng on one table and Seulgi helping Irene and Seulhyun sit in other table , Lisa then helping Yay to sit on same table with Seulgi.

" Sooo , wait for the drink first before the food okay? " Lisa said then they nodded. A waiter then pour red wine to their glass , and juice for Seulhyun.

" Ahmm guys we have to check the food first . " Jisoo said then grab Lisa hand and go to kitchen. At this time Chaeng think that they take the birthday cake from kitchen.

The restaurant lamp suddenly turn off . But after that they hear guitar strumming from the mini music stage. Then lamp stage turn on so they just can see music stage spot .

And there's Lisa who strumming guitar in front off mic stand while smiling to the audience. But the song make Chaeng confused , she know the song well even its just the intro .

' huh? Why lisa will sing this song? Is she..? But it's too early right? ' Chaeng thought.

Then Lisa start to sing...

JENLISA ~ I CAN FIX THIS, NO, WE CAN . [ONGOING]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora