Chap 23 ~ It's You and Talk

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I took deep breath when I walk to the stage , I know they are shocked when Lisa asked who wanna sing after her and I raised my hand . I never sing in front of Lisa , she stuttered when she asked me again if I really want to sing , like it's impossible .

I just want to show how I feel , like she did earlier with song , I want to show her too . I know I already did but I just want to tell her this .

" Ah-ahm Nini yo-you want to use Ellie or or-- " I cut her off coz she stuttering that make me chuckled . Cute.

" Yes , I'll use Ellie. " I said then give her smile. She give Ellie to me and take a chair for me so I can sit .

" Thank you Lili . " She just nodded while smiling . And I begin to adjust my position on the chair while holding Ellie, as Lisa sit on our table and lock her gaze to me .

I close my eyes and took long deep breat , to erase my nervousness . I open my eyes then look at all eyes that staring at me and I give them smile . My gaze landed to Lisa and and lock it as I begin to struming

It's you
It's always you
If I'm ever gonna fall in love
I know it's gon' be you

' it's you Lili . '

It's you
It's always you
Met a lot of people
But nobody feels like you

Everytime I'm with Lisa I feel safe I feel loved I feel happy . And I realized that no one can make me feels like this.

So please don't break my heart
Don't tear me apart
I know how it starts
Trust me I've been broken before

My biggest fear is to be left behind and broken again , and after that is The Devil . The thought that Lisa will leave me , and will never love me again is make me crazy , make me scared , my anxiety hit me .

Don't break me again
I am delicate
Please don't break my heart
Trust me I've been broken before

I've been broken and I don't want to experience it again , not now and never again .

I've been broken, yeah
I know how it feels
To be open
And then find out your love isn't real

I didn't mean to doubt Lisa feeling but I want at least protect my heart , so when my heart break it's not that hurt , but I think it's useless , my feelings towards Lisa is going deeper and when I broke I'm sure it's will more hurt than my past did to me .

I'm still hurting, yeah
I'm hurting inside
I'm so scared to fall in love
But if it's you then I'll try

Yeah I still hurting , I mean my nightmare is eating me at night , but there's Lisa who always at my side , always protect me .

I admit that I sacred to fall in love because I'm scared that I'm not enough for her , I'm not worth it . But I'll try , and I already did , I already fall and she catch me , she even catch me before I know I fall for her without me knowing it at that time . And yeah I already admit it to myself didn't I? I just haven't told her yet .

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