Chap 30 ~ Lalisa and Tease

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" My name is Lalisa . " I introduce myself and smile , she take my hand and shaking it then giggle .

" What's wrong with you Lili ? " She pull her hand then shake her head.

" You said that you didn't got your pretty big crush name right ? Now you get it. " I said then she look puzzled , and I try to hold my giggle .

" Huh? What do you mean? " She ask raising her left eyebrow.

" My name Lalisa , Jenjenn . " I say while pull the blanket up to cover our naked body then she processing it and her eyes grow wider .

" IT'S YOUU?!? " She shouted due to shock.

" Hii Jenjen . You grow up and glow up huh . So different from 6 years ago . " I said then laugh and she slaping my arm playfully.

" Yahhh!!! You're so mean . " She said then pouting.

" It's true tho , puberty hits you so hard and so good eh? " I said then she glared at me.

" Aishhh , why? " She ask.

" Hey 6 years ago you look so chubby and you so smooollll Nini , and owh your skin more tan than now . But I still remember your gummy smile and your cat eyes . " I said while looking at her eyes .

" Just said I'm fat ugly small girl Lili . " She said then rolling her eyes.

" Who said you are fat ugly? For me you're so cute , arghh how I want to pinched your mandu cheeks back then and kept you on my pocket. " I said while reach her cheek to caressing it , she blushed that make my smile grow wider .

" Really? " She ask to make sure I'm telling her truth .

" Really Nini . You know what? After that day I thought you will be back there again but sadly no . Then I have to focus on my school so I quit my job . " I said then pout.

" Yeah , after that day we had to back home Lili , but I swear whenever we here in Busan I always went to that convenience store just to saw you , but sadly I never saw you there , then I gave up after 2 years constantly go there but you never show up . " She said make me shocked .

" Whattt?!? " I said disbelieve .

" Yeahhh , tskkk unbelievable right? I didn't knew why I was always thinking of you back then , how pathetic . Owh ghadd I was just 13 when I had a crush on you. " She said rolling her eyes for only god know how many she do that. And then I smirking.

" So I'm your pretty big crush huhh? " I tease her.

" Arghh Liliiii please stop teasing me . " She said then hide her face on my bare shoulder .

" Okay okayyy , but I feel it's like a fate Nini. Fate make us meet again and make us together this time , and I hope it'll be forever Nini . " I said then kiss her head .

" Yeah you're my fate . You know what Lili? It's make me think that if all I had been through never happened , I won't ever meet you , I won't ever meet great person like you , I won't ever feel your love , I won't ever feel the happiness you can give . If that night you didn't found me , I didn't know what will happened to me , and if you didn't found me that night today not me who in your arm but other people Lili , and I won't let that happen . " Nini said while her right hand playing with my fingers.

" Yeahh , but still you suffered so much because that nightmare . It's hurt me too you know that right? Even it's the first day I found you , I can felt it . Every night you had nightmare my heart clenched , everytime you shed your tears I want to cry with you too , it's hurt so much . " I said in low voice.

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