Chap 33 ~ Slaps and Loneliness

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" Stripp! " I said to her in serious tone. Then she strip herself immediately , obviously her eyes full of lust , now she standing in front of me just with bran and panties on , but when she want to unclasp her bra I stop her and push her back to bed  .

" Move to the middle bed now!! " I command her then she obey me now she sit on middle of bed , I get my bag and take handcuff from it . I know Nancy looking every action I make , and I know she look to the handcuff which now in my hand .

" Let's have some fun tonight . " I said smirking and walk closer to her , I reach the bed I then kneeling in front of her .

" What a nice body you have , hands on your back . " I travel my finger from her cleavage to her abdomen make her shiver . She put her hands on her back then I move to her back to put the handcuff on it .

" Good slut . Are you ready for me? " I ask .

" I'm ready babe , please I'm so wet right now , I can't wait any longer , I can't take it anymore . Touch me please . " She pleaded .

" Really?!? But drink this first . " I ask then give her water bottle that I already put sleeping pil with lil bit viagra , she take it and drink it after I told her to drink it . 15 minutes again it will sleep .

" Yesss so pleasseee babe , I need you . I'll be good slut for you , ahmm please take me now Babe. " She said impatiently . I get the handkerchief and tape from my bag and back to my position .

" Shutt up slut , don't command me! Open your fucking mouth! " I said then shove the handkerchief in her mouth and plaster her mouth with the tape . She just looking at me confusedly but didn't argue , then I take off my t-shirt left my upper body with sport bra to make her more turn on , her eyes widen and full of lust .

" Did I make you turn on from the restaurant Nancy? " I ask and she nod .

" But I didn't do anything , am I too hot that just by looking at me make you turn on? " I ask again and she nod .

" Hmmm good , now you want me to take you?" She nodded eagerly make me chuckle .

" Nancy Nancy Nancy Nancy , you know what? You're easy to fool . Tsk! , You know who the one that answer your call yesterday?!? " She look at me puzzled but still shaking her head .

" She is MY GIRLFRIEND , and you make her cry you BITCH!!! *slap* You already crossing the line Nancy , Why the hell you did that huh?!? I never treat you badly , hurt you physically or mentally . But what you did is make me hating you more , you're disgusting Nancy!!! *slap* And you don't know what can I do to you!! You waking up my beast Nancy!! Now you can see it yourself if you want to play with me !! *slap*" I said angrily and then pull her hair after slap her to make her face me coz I still kneeling on the bed in front of her , I don't want to punch her coz she still girl , I honestly hate to hurt people especially girl , but well this bitch really need to learn her lesson .

" You think you can get all what you want huh?!? Fuck you!! *slap* All this time I try to be patient at you , you think I can't hurt you huh?!? *slap* You wrong Nancy . Tskkk! " She try to kick me but I lock her leg with mine , she try to scream but her voice still can't be heard coz of the handkerchief and tape , her eyes teary coz my slaps .

" You pissed me off Nancy , oopss not just me , wait for your gift coz you being good slut. " I said smirking .

" GUYSSS!!! " I call them , then the bathroom door open revealing my friends , Nancy eyes widen and I can see fears in it .

JENLISA ~ I CAN FIX THIS, NO, WE CAN . [ONGOING]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora