Chapter One

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N/A- Hello, I pretty much have already done an introduction for my story in my description, so welcome to chapter one of this story, their are a total of twenty five chapters & the epilogue. Anyways enjoy!


Today was your special day, though you didn't know it yet, it was.
Your beautiful mother, a well trained Jedi Knight when she began her Jedi training on Coursant she came across this man who was at the top of where she was. Not a Padawan, but a Jedi Knight.

Y/N's mother trained day & night, sunrise to sunset until her day came & she was granted the rank of Jedi Knight. Not long after being a Jedi Knight for a short time she fell in love with Y/N's father, the first to reach Jedi Knight, & married him on Naboo & now she was having Y/N the same place where they had gotten married. The planet of Naboo.

Your parents names were Jedi Knight, Grace, your mother. & Your father, Jedi Knight, Lancer.

Your parents had known about the dark side & the Sith that control that dark power.
They wanted you trained well as a Jedi & not to fall into the hands of a Sith or any dark side wielder.

"Just hang in their Grace, I'm right here." Lancer, your father says as Grace, your mother. Struggles & pushes as pain fills her body.
"I see the head!" The doctor says as Lancer smiles, Grace continues to take deep breaths & push during contractions.
"Ok just one more push. One more!" The doctor says as Grace pushes & suddenly the room fills with silence until Y/N begin to cry.

"Oh my goodness she's so perfect." Grace says as the doctor hands you over to your Mom to lay yourself on her chest.
Grace places her hands around you & hugs you lightly.

After getting the umbilical cord removed they wrapped you up in your own blanket & handed you back to your Mom who had happy tears rolling down her face. Lancer also had tears of happiness & joy.

A few days after you had been born, Grace carried you in her arms & Lancer walked beside Grace holding one of her hands that was not holding you & they walked to a boat dock on Naboo, climbed into the boat & Lancer rowed while Grace held on to you who was looking around, your light blue eyes wide open, your light short hair blowing in the light wind.

"Lancer? How are we going to keep her secret from the galaxy? They're going to find out eventually & what if the Empire finds her? Or worse." Grace says in a panicking tone. "Grace, my lovely. She'll be safe. We'll have her trained as well as we were. I've hired a friend of mine who trains young Padawan's at a certain age. I've asked for private lessons for Y/N. Here on Naboo is where she'll train. Out of the Empires hands & kept a secret until it's time... Time to let her go explore." Lancer says as Grace sighs & acknowledges him by lightly nodding.

As soon as you were at the age of 10 years old Lancer's friend had came from Coursant to train Y/N how to be a Jedi Knight like your parents on Naboo, during your training time you also got to met the wise Jedi Master Yoda.
"Training to be a Jedi mhmm, like your parents mhmm?" Yoda asks as you get down to his level. "Yes, Master Yoda." You reply.

After training for what felt like years to you. Your parents had left on a mission & you were watched by your trainer who had come from Coursant.
As the hours passed you began to worry. "Do you think their ok? We haven't heard from them." You ask as your trainer drops his head & takes you into hiding.

You didn't know what was going on or what was happening but as soon as you both came out of hiding Naboo was no longer a safe place.
"What happened?!" You ask. "Y/N. There's a threat that is going around the whole galaxy. I've only heard of it once but never believed it. Y/N. Clone troopers from all over are being ordered to hunt down & kill all remaining Jedi Knights. That sadly means that your parents aren't coming back... I'm sorry Y/N." Your trainer says as tears fall down your face & you hug your trainer who hugged you back.

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