Chapter 53 - Kronos (Edited)

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Percy POV

I summoned my armor and Hurricane and Wavestorm. 

Crystal summoned her armor and weapons. 

The Hunters and the Apollo cabin drew their bows and fired. 

Golden and silver arrows quickly flew through the air, and many monsters disintegrated because of them. 

But many of them still remained. 

Jake, or should I say, Kronos, who now had golden eyes like Luke had last time, grinned wickedly and summoned his scythe and some armor. 

He pointed his scythe towards me and yelled, "CHARGE!"

Like I said before, Titans are really good actors. Especially when they're trying to pretend they're your enemy in the middle of a battle or a war. 

The Titan's army roared and charged towards us. The Hunters and the children of Apollo were quickly firing arrows over and over, but it did little to slow them down. 

The Ares and Athena cabin drew shields and spears and stood in phalanx formation, awaiting the charge of the enemies. 

Some Laistrygonian giants with clubs and cars for shields slammed their weapons down on the Ares Cabin, and they went flying. 

I charged. I stabbed a giant in the chest, and it disintegrated. Another tried to smash me with its club, but I cut his weapon in half with Hurricane, and jumped on top of him decapitated him with Wavestorm. 

I put away Hurricane and I summoned my shield. I then rushed into the army, slashing and hacking, cutting down monsters left and right. The blessing of the River Void really helped, as even Stygian Iron arrows from enemy archers simply bounced off my armor. 

I put away my weapons and I slammed my fist down on the ground, and earthen fists erupted from the ground, trapping monsters, and squeezing them until they disintegrated into piles of golden dust. 

Crystal slammed her fist on the ground, and geysers appeared with such force that many monsters were knocked a few yards back. 

Wings sprouted from my back, and I put away my weapons and thrust out my hand. Lightning and thunderbolts struck about a quarter of the monster army, killing them instantly. 

I then swooped down and started killing. 

I was also randomly using my powers every now and then. 

A telekhine who was unusually bigger than an Olympian throne roared and charged at me, a sledgehammer in his hand. 

He swung his toy at me, but I blocked it with Wavestorm. 

I stabbed him in the stomach, and he disintegrated. 

I continued slashing and hacking through monsters, until I saw that the monster army was starting to retreat. 

Some demigods thought that they had won. 

Oh, how wrong they were. 

Kronos had arrived. 

Word Count: 446 

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