Chapter 61 - Catching up on what I missed.

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I wish I could invent a time machine. I'd go back two hours and prevent what had happened, and possibly stop Percy from losing his memory for more than a year. 

The look Annabeth was giving me would hurt badly, if looks could physically hurt people. 

Crystal, on the other hand, was emotionless. She snapped her fingers, and my broken ribs (Percy was strong) were instantly healed. 

Geez, that girl always gave my mind the spins. 

In a sense, she looked like one of those pretty popular girls in school, the one that always laughed at me and ignored me. 

But, she also looked like she could make any boy fall for her easily. Percy and she seemed to be caring and passionate about each other. 

When I'd first met her, I had instantly fallen for her. I had flirted with her a couple times, but she got kind of angry and told me that she had a boyfriend, but that boyfriend was Percy Jackson, and he was the one missing.

At times, I felt pretty jealous of him because of a lot of things, and I was pretty sure I wasn't the only one who was. 

1. He had an extremely hot and sexy girlfriend who was literally the definition of the word beauty. I mean, Crystal could look beautiful doing pretty much anything, and she put most supermodels I'd heard of to shame. 

2. He was the son of Chaos, the creator of the universe. He seemed to always be popular at camp, while I didn't seem to have that kind of charm, even with my jokes. 

3. If he was at camp when I came there, the girls would probably swoon over him, judging by the way some of them talked about him. He seemed handsome in a cruel kind of way, and I wasn't sure how that was attractive, but for some reason, it worked. 

I knew from the start that she was way out of league, but that didn't stop my flirting. 

If she was dating Percy Jackson, a son of Chaos, and she was a daughter of Pontus, well, they were practically a perfect match. 

Percy had eyes that were the darkest thing I'd ever seen. Pure black. His hair had colored streaks in it. He looked like a junior criminal, but in a sense that he could convince you that he was innocent. 

If I was gay, I probably would have fallen for him. But I wasn't. 

Both of them looked inhumanly beautiful, and they weren't even demigods. Apparently they were demiprimordials, which meant that they had a primordial as their godly parent instead of a regular god. 

I still thought that she was extremely hot (and I still had a small crush on her), but that I couldn't be with her, because she had found her boyfriend, and didn't seem to care about anything else. 

Damn, I loved that girl! 

Even though she ignored me and was sometimes even a bit mean (but still hot)  

It took me a while to get my mind out of her captivating beauty, 

"One more time," Annabeth asked. "Exactly what happened?" 

I choked back a sob. "I don't know. It's fuzzy."

Crystal sighed and walked away, toward her boyfriend. 

Percy POV

I was overjoyed to have finally been with Crystal after more than a year of my being taken away from her by Hera. She was still looking as beautiful as ever, and she sat next to me, and we cuddled, enjoying our time together. 

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