Chapter 54 - Fight

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Percy POV

I summoned Hurricane and Wavestorm, and then I charged at the king of the Titans. 

"You, me. One on one to the death." He growled. He probably forgot that I was pretty much almost unkillable, but I didn't really care. 

I decided to not go full tryhard mode with everything I had. He did not do the same. 

We parried with our swords and our slashes and attacks shook the earth. Kronos's army of monsters stood on one side, and the demigods and Crystal stood on the other. 

Eventually, I got bored of this and decided to just end it. 

He slashed at me with his sword one last time, but I suspended his sword in midair, so he tried to hit me with his shield, which didn't work very well. 

I slashed at his shield and broke it in half in one swipe. 

He looked at me, fearful. 

"Sorry about this. I'll come back to Planet Chaos as soon as I can." I whispered in his ear, before cutting his throat with Hurricane. 

His head fell to the ground, already disintegrating. 

The monsters, for their part, got into battle formation and charged. 

The demigods did the same and also charged. 

Crystal and I stood next to each other, slashing and hacking at whichever monster we could, protecting each other's backs. Eventually, the monsters became outnumbered, and we eventually defeated them. 

But just as we thought it was all over, Typhon arrived. 

It was exactly like last time. The gods were trying but failing to slow him down, and he swatted at them but also missed. 

I looked at my girlfriend. She knew what I had to do. 

I turned to give her a goodbye peck, but she instead put her helmet back on. I was puzzled. 

"You honestly think that I'm going to let you go out there alone?" 

I sighed and rolled my eyes. She took her helmet back off, though, and kissed me with a passionate sense that I'd never felt before. 

"After this whole thing, I feel like we should take a break."

"Of course, my love. Whatever you want." She smiled. 

I snapped my fingers and my personal chariot appeared, a gift from Mom (Order). The chariot was pulled by two dark pegasi who had golden eyes, and could fly fast. 

The two of us got on. "Hyah!" 

I snapped the reins and we flew towards Typhon and the gods. 

Typhon looked exactly as he did before. 


I drove the chariot towards Typhon's chest, and Crystal and I both slashed at him with our swords, creating small gushes of ichor all over his body. 

He roared and finally noticed us, and swatted at my chariot. Thankfully, the horses neighed and pulled the chariot out of his reach just in the nick of time. 

I drove the chariot up to Typhon's neck, and then I leaped onto his body. I started slashing and hacking all over his right shoulder, making more pools of ichor. I continued doing this until I had Typhon's full attention and intent to kill me. 

I was running and slashing at the same time until I reached his throat. 

I then started slashing even harder, creating more pools of ichor. He roared and tried to shake me off. 

Right then, Poseidon and his army appeared. Poseidon threw his trident at Typhon's chest, sprouting a waterfall of ichor, and his army wrapped chains around him, pulling him down. 

Crystal and the Olympians also attacked, distracting Typhon from attacking the Cyclops. 

Typhon couldn't handle it or keep pace. He was wildly swinging uncoordinated swats and punches at the Olympians while getting dragged by the Cyclops. 

Zeus opened up a gateway in the earth, and the Cyclops dragged him in that direction, but it was easier said than done. 

Typhon was slow, not to mention heavy, which made it extremely difficult to control him. Most of the Cyclops were exhausted by now, as many of them had just fought a war and were in almost no condition to do this, which meant that Typhon could easily swat them away if he had the chance, which meant that we had to keep him distracted. 

Typhon was still strong as fuck, even though he kept missing. Luckily, he hadn't tried to keep himself still, as he was trying to hit us. 

Luckily, more Cyclops were arriving and helped out the exhausted ones. 

I stabbed Hurricane and Wavestorm into Typhon's shoulder, so it looked like a sword stuck in a rock. He roared in pain, and I then summoned Stormbringer and threw it into his cheek. I drew Alpha and Omega and stabbed them into his throat. 

By now, the demigods had also joined the fight and were firing flaming and explosive arrows, and firing Greek fire using catapults, which also helped. 

I summoned Nightslayer and Flamebringer and stabbed the sword deep into his right shoulder, almost immobilizing it. 

I used Flamebringer to shoot flames all over the rest of his shoulder, and Artemis and Apollo fired flaming arrows toward his hand, finally immobilizing his right shoulder. 

Now to immobilize his left one. 

I pulled out my other weapons and stabbed them into his other shoulder, and started shooting flames all over the blisters caused by Zeus's lightning bolts. I then jumped onto his head and then set his head on fire. 

He was roaring in pain, trying to run towards the Hudson River. The Cyclops slowly dragged him the other way, towards the gateway. 

With everything going on as it was, Typhon eventually started getting tired. The Cyclops were dragging him closer and closer to the gateway, and Crystal and the Olympians started to push him back into the direction of the gateway. 

I took out my weapons from his body and sheathed them, except for Nightslayer. 

I continuously stabbed Nightslayer into his throat, causing roars of pain. 

Eventually, Typhon lost his balance and fell into the gateway. II thrust out my hand, and the earth covered up the hole, and it looked as if nothing had happened. 

Finally, Typhon had been defeated. 

Word Count: 1020 

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