Chapter 47 - Battle at camp

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Percy POV

By the time I'd reached camp, the battle hadn't started yet, and the campers were still working on their defenses. 

I simply summoned my armor and weapons, and my girlfriend did the same. Briares, Mrs. O'Leary, and Daedalus materialized next to us. 

The enemy came out of the Labyrinth entrance and charged at us. 

I slashed and hacked, killing monsters left and right. I was literally an elemental hurricane, and monsters were actually being drawn closer to me. I was also randomly using some of my powers, so I was basically like a moving atomic bomb. 

Luke said that's an understatement. 

Piles of dust were everywhere, thanks to me and Crystal. 

Crystal snapped her fingers, and geysers erupted from the earth and turned into spears and started impaling random monsters near her. 

Krios himself materialized out of nowhere and charged at me. We were just pretending to fight, as he was allied with the primordials, as were the rest of the Titans. Sure I would kill him, but he would reform in Tartarus. 

"Die, son of Chaos!" He roared. 

Damn, Titans are very good actors. 

I put away my swords and I summoned my bow. I shot an arrow at him, and the Titan raised his shield, but that arrow pierced his shield and killed him. 

Everybody except for Dan cheered. 

More monsters appeared and charged at me and Crystal. We slashed and hacked, and soon all of the monsters were killed. Some demigods on the other side ran back to the entrance of the Labyrinth, and the cave closed behind them. 

My father told me that in the timeline, Daedalus didn't have to die to destroy the Labyrinth. The inventor simply could snap his fingers, and the maze would be destroyed. He now had the power to do this because Hephaestus had blessed him. 

"Perseus, come here." 

Daedalus gave me his laptop, and Annabeth was jealous, and Dan and some children of Athena didn't stop trying to take it from me. 

I teleported into the arena, and I started practicing dueling with Luke. 

Then Thalia and the Hunters walked in. She glared at me, probably angry for our little fight. 

"Get out, the Hunters have the Arena."

I rolled my eyes. 

It was time to teach the Hunters a lesson. 

What will happen? The next chapter will be released tomorrow or later today. 

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