Chapter 35 - Meeting Rachel, and the Garden of the Hesperides

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Here's another chapter...

Percy POV  

We drove straight to Hoover Dam. 

I went into the bathroom, where I ran into none other than Rachel Elizabeth Dare. 

When she first saw me, she blushed, which was pretty annoying. I rolled my eyes. 

She looked around the corner and gasped. "There are skeleton police officers coming for you!" She said. 

I facepalmed and waited for them. They soon appeared around the corner, and ran towards me. I snapped my fingers and they disintegrated. 

"Bye." I said before teleporting away to the others, who were at the snack bar. 


"What happened?" Crystal asked. "Well, I met Rachel, and I killed the skeleton warriors, so they shouldn't be bothering us. For now, at least. Atlas might get something else to hunt us down."  

This was just a ruse, because Zoe, Dan, and Annabeth were also listening to us. 

Atlas was actually on our side, and he told me and my girlfriend that he was okay with us destroying any or all of the skeleton warriors, as they would just reform in Tartarus. 

We quickly got to the garden of the Hesperides, and Dr. Thorn the manticore didn't attack or follow us. 

"Crystal and I need to talk to the Hesperides in private. We'll catch up to you." I said. 

I snapped my fingers and they vanished. 

"I just sent them back on the path up Mount Othrys. But enough about that for now." 

We discussed some topics for the war, and the Hesperides were on our side. When the time came for the final war, they would help Gaea and Physis recruit nature spirits and satyrs for our army. 

We then teleported away to the others. 

I'm so sorry for the long wait. 

Word Count: 293 

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