Chapter 38 - Camp Void

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Percy POV

It's hard to describe Camp Void. 

It's almost as beautiful as the throne room of the primordials. It's about 10 times bigger than Camp Half-Blood, and the cabins are like palaces. 

I walked into the Chaos cabin, and I fell asleep on my bed. 

Hey, I'd just finished a quest. I was very tired, and I needed a break. 


After I woke up, I practiced sparring with a son of Hyperion, and then I ate lunch with the rest of the campers at Camp Void. 

I visited Chaos's Planet and I stayed there for a few weeks, and then I stayed at Camp Void until the time I would have tog go into the Labyrinth. 

I went on a couple dates with Crystal, and I even took her to Paris one time. 

On Chaos's planet, we are secretly building an army. But the army isn't just from Earth. We recruit beings frim all across the universe. 

But we give them a fair chance. 

We ask them if they want to join, and if they say yes, then we take them back to Chaos's Planet. 

If they say no, then we just leave them alone. 

So far, we have millions of soldiers, and more come by the  minute. Thankfully, Zeus doesn't know about this. If he did, he would probably demand that the army serve Olympus.  

Anyways, I'm getting ready to go back to Camp Half-Blood so I can go on my quest to the Labyrinth... 

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