Chapter 2 My kiss is interrupted (Edited)

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Percy POV

After I spent some time in the Poseidon cabin, I stormed off towards the Arena to practice with my two new swords. 

I slashed and hacked at the dummies, destroying them in mere seconds. I decided to name my swords Hurricane and Wavestorm. 

Suddenly, I felt a pain in my body. 

I grunted in pain and in agony and I fell to my knees. 

When the pain faded, I felt much stronger. Much more powerful. 

I felt like I could take on Tartarus a hundred times and I wouldn't even break a sweat. 

I went the Poseidon cabin and collapsed in my bed. 

The next day I woke up and looked at myself in the mirror. 

That wasn't me. 

I had black eyes so dark Nyx and her children would be put to shame. 

I had just about the perfect amount of muscles, and my hair was darker than ever. 

I also had several different streaks in my hair, such as, yellow, pink, or red. 

I came out of the cabin, and I went on border patrol, with the permission of Chiron. 

I saw a girl running from the Minotaur. 

But what surprised me was the girl herself. 

She was so beautiful, she would put Aphrodite and her children to shame. She had sparkling blue eyes (like the ocean) and blonde hair, and she was dressed in a blue shirt and jeans. 

The weird thing was that I knew that I had seen her before somewhere, but I just couldn't remember when, or how I knew her. 

I quickly drew my two new swords and I cut down the Minotaur. 

"Thank you-" 

"Perseus Jackson, but call me Percy if you want to." I quickly introduced myself. 

"I'm Crystal Fox. Nice to meet you." 

"Thanks for saving me, Percy." She said. I smirked. "No problem." She blushed. 


Things were getting both good and bad. 

I felt stronger every day, and my swords could cut through pretty much anything. 

The bad thing was, Dan was turning camper after camper against me. He even managed to turn the Hunters, the Romans, and even the Amazons against me, and the gods weren't any better. 

All of the campers were beating me up or using me as their personal human punching bag, but then they tossed me into the lake so that my wounds would heal and that they would tell everybody that they were innocent. 

I once swore on the River Styx that I was innocent, but even then, nobody believed me. 

Pretty much the only people that didn't listen to Dan were Clarisse, Chris Rodriguez (Clarisse's boyfriend. He's a son of Hermes), Pollux, Chiron, Nico, Grover, Will, and Crystal, who was still unclaimed. 

A few days after we met, we hit it off. 

We became the best of friends. I think that we could become more, but with everybody turning against me, we couldn't manage it a lot. 

A lot of boys flirted with Crystal, but she waved them off. 

For some unfair reason, I can't get one single moment alone with Crystal. Some random camper, usually sent by Annabeth or Dan, says that I need to come to training, or that I have to do something else that takes away my time with Crystal. 


We were currently at the spot at the beach where Annabeth and I used to hang out together, before you know what happened. Dan and her sometimes came here together, but I couldn't care less about them now. 

For some reason, there was something really weird about her, probably to do with the fact that she was insanely beautiful. 

More than Aphrodite, Calypso, Reyna, or Annabeth, or any beautiful girl that I'd met before. IT seemed pretty hard to describe, but better than anybody else. 

She seemed to have a pretty normal life before coming to camp, being a popular girl at her private school (or at least that's what she said), as only some satyr had discovered her, and guided her to camp. 

Everything about her seemed perfect, making goddesses look like old hags, and made men drool. 

"Which high school did you go to again?" I asked. 

"Goode High. It was fun there, but then that satyr guy showed up."

"Yeah. I get you." 

"No, you probably don't. I had a boyfriend, a nice life, until he showed up and wouldn't stop annoying me until a monster killed my boyfriend and I had to leave without telling my family anything." 

"Hey, it's fine. Maybe someday you can go back. You're not alone." I said, trying to comfort her." 

A tear slid down her face. "Thanks." 

"Do you want to listen to a song or something?" 


For some reason, technology didn't seem to attract monsters to her or any demigod who was nearby her. I hadn't really caught up with pop culture or any latest trends or the latest songs or anything like that lately, mainly because of saving the world and all that. 

Crystal was one of those few demigods who stayed with pop culture after a while at camp, because you're not really focused on that anymore, because you're fighting to stay alive. 

She introduced me to some trends, and wanted to take me shopping someday and go through a mall. She had an iPod and an iPhone, along with some AirPods, and she used all that to show me the latest songs, as well as what I had missed the past few years. 

I had to admit I liked some of them, and Crystal liked female singers such as Dua Lipa, who has a nice voice, and has made a bunch of cool songs, such as New Rules, One Kiss, or Levitating. 

We listened to New Rules, until she turned it off. 

"It's kinda painful to remember, you know." 

"Your life before?" She nodded, another tear sliding down her face. 

"You'll have a safer one now. You'll be protected by everybody here. But not just that. I swear I'll never let any monster harm you, and protect you with my own life." 

She looked up at me, and I placed an arm around her shoulder. 

I moved closer to her, and I placed my hand on her cheek. She blushed lightly, 

I moved my face closer to hers, and I was going to kiss her, but then we got teleported somewhere. 

Word Count: 1061

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