42 - Love, Lies & Kinky Sex #KookVGguk

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'The pretty prince ours.'


Crowned Prince Jungkook's POV

A door opens at the back of the throne room.

There are maybe a dozen people in here, all waiting for an audience with the King, scattered around the seats.

And we all stand when we see that it's Prince Taehyung, wearing a deep-blue suit, walking down the centre, he nods at everyone but comes up to us.

"Prince Jungkook, Prince Jeongguk," Taehyung says bowing lightly.

"Could I have a moment of your time?"

"Of course, Prince Taehyung," we murmur.

He leads us to another door, this one behind the thrones, leading to a secure, soundproofed, small sunlight-filled sitting room, and closes the door behind us then Taehyung takes a deep breath and we realize he'd been crying.

"What's wrong?" Jeongguk says instantly, taking his shoulders in his hands gently coaxing him.

"Viceroy of the East Kingdom, Bogum, asked my father for my hand in marriage this morning," he says, eyes filling up with tears again.

"And?" I demand.

"I don't think my father gave a reply. It's poor form to do so until all the offers are in and considered, but..." he trails off, looking up at us.

Until all the offers are in, like he's a house being bid on.

I stroke his hair, and Jeongguk holds him against his chest.

"I'm not going to marry him," Taehyung whispers, "My father can't force me, but..."

"Marry us," Jeongguk whispers.

"You know that's why we're here," I say, coming up behind Taehyung and kissing the top of his head, "We're waiting to ask your father for your hand right now."

"I wish I could," he whispers, "You know it doesn't..."

"We'll figure it out," I promise, "We'll convince your father."

"We don't know how, but we will," Jeongguk agrees, "And at worst, we all run away to a hidden, secure house in the woods and live in sin."

Taehyung wrinkles his nose cutely but a small smile creeps up his face.

"Marriage is our first choice too," I say, "...Promise."

Taehyung sighs, then looks back at me, over his shoulder.

"Thank you, my Princes."

I traced the side of his hip and made faint circles, trying to comfort Taehyung, but he gave me another glance, this one familiar, dark and wicked.

"My father's got at least another hour before he'll be able to see you two."

I chuckle, stepping closer, "Prince Taehyung, I thought you were distraught at the thought of marrying Bogum."

"I am," he says and smiles, "I can have more than one mood at once."

Taehyung leans back against me, his hands still on Jeongguk's chest, his ass firmly against my growing erection.

"For example, I can be upset about the marriage request and at the same time I also want a quickie with my very, illicit boyfriends," he seductively whispers.

I swear to Gad, Taehyung gets dirtier every time I see him and I fucking love it.

"You have to promise to be quiet," Jeongguk says, taking his face in his hands and grinning, "You can't scream our names the way you did last night."

a collection of #PROMPTS & mini storiesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon