Entry #3

226 7 17

Day 3, Joshua Burns' Diary

So, I took up Blading again! My first battle was against Zac, with his newly upgraded Lightning Bey, Luminary Zeutron!

I did upgrade Blast Jinnius to Vortex Jinnius, a Lightning Bey!

Although it was a bit tricky to get the hang of it... I did it!

Zac was quite happy, of course, before telling me that the Legend Festival was starting.

So we watched it together.

It was quite interesting, seeing Lane, and then Free.

God, he looked so cute (A/N: He looked like a ninja, ngl. Without sleeves)

I really hope he does well. Free, I mean. Even if

I know that Valt probably has a higher chance of winning, or Aiger, but I really hope Free will win.

This was a really short entry, especially since I'm really tired from training and I'm also sleeping over at Zac's. He's in the shower now as I write this.

Lovely, isn't it? Zac is such a good friend!

Oh well, I must take my flamboyant leave now.


Joshua Burns

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