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Another request by Dee Dee! This one is a Lil drabble of her OC Emma Glass, Theodore Glass's daughter, and Shu Kurenai! Hope you enjoy it! 

Summary: When Emma Glass meets Shu Kurenai, she can't help but try to make sure that Shu never falls into her father's web of lies and manipulation, but Shu doesn't want the help and brushes her off. 


Emma Glass was a girl of many things. Among them, is disappointing her father on many levels. You see, Emma was the candidate for the Requiem Project until she refused. That alone made her father not speak to her for a week. 

When a snowy-haired male, with blood-red eyes, arrived at the Snake Pit and looking for ultimate power, Emma had tried to get him out of the first part, but he had brushed her off without another word.

Now, he was Red-Eye. Emma was Pink-Eye, and the only person Red-Eye would brush off. Not that he brushed off anyone. He brushed off everyone, but Emma the most. 

"Hey! Red-Eye!" Emma yells. Red-Eye stopped for a second, before speaking.

"What do you want?" 

"Ashtem wants you," Emma replies. Red-Eye walked right past her. "I'm not finished." 

"What else?" Red-Eye asks. 

"Why do you brush me off?" Emma questions.

"You don't have the desire to become powerful. That alone makes you an unworthy Blader. I don't hang around with unworthy Bladers." Red-Eye leaves.

"You know he's manipulating you right?" Emma spoke before she could think. Red-Eye stopped in his tracks.

"What? Ashtem?" Red-Eye questions.

"Yeah." Emma slowly stepped up to look Red-Eye straight toward the mask. "He's only using you, no everyone for his own selfish needs. Power. All of us, we're just a pawn in his plan."

Red-Eye only scoffed in response. "I know you Pink-Eye, more than you think. Or should I say Emma Glass. I know you were offered ultimate power but didn't accept. You aren't a worthy Blader. And won't ever be."

Emma could only freeze in response, as Red-Eye made his way past her, and to Ashtem's office. Who had he been before Red-Eye? Or was he always this cruel? I feel sorry for his friends- if he has any that is.

Sometimes, some answers you really didn't wanna know. 

* * * *

Emma wasn't supposed to be here, no not after she lost to someone with a braid and someone with red hair and spiky teeth, but someone, no, Boa tipped off to her that she should come back. Emma had grown fond of the boy, and Boa was the first person she told about her father's lies and deceit. 

Although Boa was a boy on his own mission. 

She crept into the Snake Pit, walking down the halls for the last time- and she'd make sure of it. She'd almost left, but not before Red-Eye's pained yells made her run down the stairs, and into the Requiem Project's overhead viewing center. 

No one was there, and so she had to watch alone, as Red-Eye went through the painful process of the Requiem Project. She had to watch her father become the villain in someone's story. 

Oh, I'd wish you and I had a better story, Red-Eye. Emma thought sadly. Because even if you don't even like me as a friend, I had fallen in love, with someone I could never hope to even reach.

Emma shook her head, ridding herself of these thoughts, pushing them to the depths of her heart. Love is for children. She thought. 

Love is for children. Her father had said to her, when she had asked if he'd loved mommy.

Love is for children. When Emma came back home with her crush. 

Love is for children. 

She left the room, left behind Red-Eye, and left everything she ever knew, walking out the door of the Snake Pit. 

She wouldn't be heading back there ever again.

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