A Coincidence That I Wish It Wasn't

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School came to an end, Mr. Ceaser Clown told us that tomorrow we will be at the lab room for the whole day to do research and a lab unit. You were not exited, due to partner work. You hated it, you always ended doing all the work by yourself and with people that disliked you. I mean yeah, you hate everyone, but you also know where to draw a line with "hate" and "school work". Ace looked at you, walking at your pace next to you, while you completely were spaced out. "Y/n? Are you okay?" Looking up at Ace, your eyes shook in amazement. The more you seem to look at him, the more he looks beautiful. 'No wonder he's popular. But I will not let myself get caught on his playboy persona.' "I'm alright, I just don't want to do my work with a lab partner." Ace looked confused first, but then caught on, "Oh, you're talking about tomorrow! If you want, we can work together? I'm pretty good with science, plus, I got a A+ for my science project from last year!" "I think that'll be good. As long as you don't make me do all the work." Ace nodded violently, almost like a dog jumping around and shaking its head violently from all of that energy boost. Or like a cat that gets a random energy range at 3 a.m.

Ace watched you walk away from him to your front door, "Hey, Y/n....." turning to look at him, you wonder why he looked sad. "Are you mad at me?" Realizing why he was sad for, you looked at your fence, "I'm not mad at you, I just wish to be left alone at times. Especially staying away from people like you." Ace widened his eyes, hands slamming your fence, "Why do you say that!?" Flinching from the sudden burst of anger, his eyes was tense to look at. "I don't know if you're slow or dumb, but I'm different from you. People hate me for no reason, people love you for actual reasons. I don't have nice social skills, my words all come from what I think. People hate the truth, that's why I'm the one that tells them. I don't care if people look down at me I'm a simple person that knows how to mind their business. All I'm asking is to be left alone, but why can't you understand that?" "Because you're different!" Not liking his words, you shook your head, "That's nothing to do with you getting on my way of my goals." "It is! You're different from everyone. You're not a brainless girl who keeps trying to get my attention so they can get popular. You're not a girl who's grades are bad, you're not a girl that lets people look down of, you're not a girl that lets herself get dragged down because of a boy, and you're real! Your harsh words do hurt, but when I see them coming out of you it's like I was meant to hear them from YOU! You're perfect just the way you are, you are you. I want to be by your side even if you don't want to, I want to see where you go after school life, I want to see your accomplishments—" "But why?" Ace bit his lips, red tint forming above his cheek, "B-Because...I-"

Your front door open, "Hm? The two of you were the ones making that loud noise? What's happening—? Hm, that's not your friend you brought yesterday, right?" Ace looked at you, confuse plastered on his face, "Other friend? Y/n, you didn't want to be friends with me, but with that other person you can?" "That's not it....he just invited himself in my house without my—?" "He? Who is it, Y/n?" Your mother gasped, "Ooh...." she quickly went inside and looked through the window "secretly" with your father right next to her. "Don't worry about him. I don't consider him a friend—" "Who is he, Y/n?" "Why do you care? If you want to know, its Luffy! For fuck sakes, you brothers are so nosy! If you also want to know, go ask him what happen!" Ace widened his eyes, but soon sighed in relief... "So it's just Luffy, I feel relief...." "What?" Ace smiled wide, "Nothing! Sorry for getting angry...and ugh..bending your fence..." Taking notice of the damaged fence, you gave the boy a fear with your eyes. 'I-It's made out of medal though.....!?' "I'll fix it tomorrow...and um, I'm sorry again...I just got really offended—?" You walked away from him and closed your door, quickly making your way to your room. "Y/n?" Both your parents look at each other and then looked towards the window to see Ace walking away with a sad expression. "Honey, maybe you shouldn't have brought up that boy from yesterday...." "But how was I suppose to know that she had a over protective boyfriend?"

Smart AssOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora