The World Has Turned and Left Me Here

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Alaïa's outfit/ hairstyle

Alaïa's outfit/ hairstyle

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(Alaric has written 'HOMECOMING' on the board and he underlines it.)

Alaric: Homecoming, (he reads, turning toward his class-filled room.) All right. By a show of hands, who knows the supernatural origin of tonight's homecoming party?

(No one raises their hands, and Elena gives Alaric a small wave and a smile.)

Alaric: A civil war soldier Nathan Whitmore, horribly disfigured throughout countless battles, somehow survived them all just so he could get home to the woman he loved, and when he finally got home to his farm, he found her in bed with his brother, and did what any sane man would do... He murdered his brother in cold blood and then chased the love of his life out into the cornfields.

(Tyler, uninterested, turns to Liv)

Tyler: I got to run some gear over to the football stadium later. If you want, I could pick you up after, and we could go together.

Liv: You mean, like a date?

(Tyler shakes his head, not exactly a yes, but a maybe.)

Liv: Because definitely not.

Alaric: But the legend goes that Lady Whitmore is out on this night every year dressed in white, covered in her lover's blood, running through the cornfields, screaming for her life. (All the students look at each other.) And the moral of the story is? Do not fall in love, especially with your brother's girl. [He cuts a glance at Alaïa, looks at him] ll right, kids. You have a fun night tonight. Be safe.

(All the students close their books and leave, except for Alaïa , who walks toward Alaric.)

Alaïa: You know, that cautionary tale would have had more of an impact on me about two weeks ago.

Alaric: Damon may be gone, but I can still find pleasure in judging his life choices. Speaking of which, have you changed your mind about me compelling you to forget about him yet?

Alaïa Gilbert //The Vampire DairiesWhere stories live. Discover now